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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:虚拟的纸飞机




like the whole world of horses, with the sun brilliant!


There is a feeling in the world beyond the family, friendship. That teachers care and concern for our feelings, our feelings carefully taught. I sincerely wish all the best teachers, always healthy,always HAPPY!


teacher, you are like a candle, set himself on fire to illuminate others, like the spring silkworm Tujin black hair, in order to get the younger generation to climb the peak of science and the "Golden Key", you are pale hair, devoting the effort. In the occasion of Teacher's Day I wish you good health and good luck!


I wish you a teacher health and good luck, success in work, happy over every minute, every day happy too!


teachings, such as spring, Shien deep as the sea, students everywhere, Chunhui four times!


I wish the teacher students everywhere, the heart is good, all is well


first day of school, I know your new teacher. When I see you feel so warm, warm. In three years you will let us grow into a more sturdy trees. No matter whether I will be tall and straight trees, or low shrubs. Teacher, I will pay tribute to your life green. I hope our youth will always be with you the joy, Teacher's Day approaching, my dear teacher, I wish you good health and good luck!


teacher, you are hard gardener, nurturing the seeds of those of us so that we take root, grow! You are the architects of the future, brick by brick of hard work!You are the light of candles to illuminate us, but just not light up themselves. Today, we are blessed with a sincere thank you! Teacher, your hard work! I wish the teacher students everywhere!


I wish every teacher could have a sunny smile, a healthy body, you are a miracle worker, you feed us, and we deeply thank you!


teacher, if you are a beautiful sky of the sun, we are underground lovely grass, is that you give us new life. Your day and night to help us take care of us, your hard work!


You are the winter of charcoal, is the heat in the shade umbrella, a stepping stone to turbulence is the beacon light amid the fog - a teacher, ah, your words and deeds, and educating people well and others with willingness and memorable!


the teacher gave me the influence and education, I will never forget, thank you, dear teacher.


the teacher, I will always remember your instruction to me, it is you that made me understand the truth of being a man.


happy Teacher's day, always young, and wish the bright sunshine smile with you forever!


you are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend. Thank you for everything you have done.



happy songs, always linger around you; happy age, always with you. I wish you a happy holiday!

2、当我们采摘丰收果实的时候,您留给自己的却是被粉笔灰染白的两鬓白发。 向您致敬,敬爱的老师教师节快乐

when we pick fruit harvest time, you are left to their own were fenbihui hair with white hair. Here's to you, dear teacher! Happy Teacher's Day!


the name engraved on the board is not immortal, the name engraved on the stone may not always be eternal; and engraved in the depths of our hearts your name will really survive forever! Happy Teacher's Day!

4、在笔和纸的摩擦间,你度过了你神圣地一生。祝福你,老师! 再也听不到你的教诲,对我来说,真是遗憾。对于你为我付出的辛劳,我无以为报,我说一声“老师,你好!”

in the pen and paper friction, you spent your sacred life. Bless you, teacher! No longer hear your teachings, for me, it is a pity. I don't think you can do anything for me. I said, "Hello, teacher."!"


teacher, you enlighten me, really understand the grace of nature, from then on, I read every leaf, every cloud, every spray. Thank you. Happy holidays!


after long years, your voice always sounded in my ears; your figure, often in my mind; your teachings, always in my heart...... In this part of your day, safe as you wish!


mentor skim water from the Tianchi, enabling Xinmiao human infertility. Happy Teacher's Day!


you gave me the true meaning of life such as gold, after years of washing, long but more bright! Happy Teacher's Day!


On this special day, I wish to have a good heart and have a good mood every day. My friend, my teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!


everything will be passed into a kind of nostalgia for the passing of all the valuable know - I miss you with us through this time. Happy Teacher's Day!


sunny, the gardener's heart strong spring; rain moisture, peach branches bud red. Wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


I am not your best student, but you are my most reverent teacher. On your festival, your students wish you forever young! Happy Teacher's Day!

13、所有的思念,更融合着不尽的感激与敬仰,愿您的节日里洋溢着 璀璨,平安!教师节快乐

all the yearning, more integrated with endless gratitude and admiration, wish your festival is filled with bright, safe! Happy Teacher's Day!


have an insatiable desire to learn, tireless in teaching others, peaches and plums fragrance, it is also cozy. Bless you, happy holidays!


want to look at your eyes again, want to listen to your lecture again, want to once again hold your hands, heartfelt thank you, with all my sincerity. Happy Teacher's Day!



you use the torch of life to illuminate my way forward, I would like to sincerely say to you: Thank you, teacher!


no one deserves your gratitude so much more than you. This day alone is far from enough to express your gratitude.


I always think you are too strict, now you know this is the performance of your love. Happy holidays to you, teacher!


desk, desk, seasons, and as summer goes and winter comes, a little bit of effort. Hard work, my teacher.


teacher, you enlighten me, really understand the grace of nature. From then on, I understood the green leaves, clouds and waves.


teacher, thank you for illuminating the journey of my life with your own light of life. Thank you very much for your kindness.


Today, when the first ray of summer light spilled into your window, that is the students give you the deep blessing: teacher, happy holidays!


Teacher, maybe today, you will not think of me, but I will think of you! Wish you a happy holiday and good health!


Sunny, warm spring gardener heart; the rain and dew, peach bud red. You've been working hard! Happy Teacher's day.


You give us a love of the city, the river in my mind, always flowing. We love you, teacher!


Happy Teachers' day!


Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.


Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.


Wishing you a happy Teacher"s Day.


My child speaks highly of you. Thank you very much.



gently back to Hou, do not want to disturb you! Just want to know whether everything is safe or not......


have an insatiable desire to learn, tireless in teaching others, peaches and plums fragrance, it is also cozy. Bless you, happy holidays!


perhaps, you are not the best, but in my mind, you are the best! Happy holidays, teacher!


I am a green tree, bathed in the wisdom of the sun, in the soil of your knowledge, grow sturdily.


the teacher, our sincere best wishes, like the green tree, thick thick, and years of increased.


your hard work is our driving force, our success is your pride, but we will be proud of you!


no matter how busy the work, as long as remember that I am always watching you in the distance, bless you just fine.


when I first entered the classroom, called you a teacher, it means that I have been your student all my life.


the blessing is really mind, not a thousand words, no words, silently singing song, happy Teachers' day!


mentor permanent mind, Shi Long difficult to leave. Wish all the teachers happy and happy! Happy holidays! Happiness forever!


sunny, the gardener's heart strong spring; rain moisture, peach branches bud red. I wish you a happy holiday!


your voice always sounded in my ears; your teachings, always in my heart. Happy Teacher's Day!


I am too pious to find words, because the two words of the teacher itself is the world's most sublime words.


happy songs, always haunting you. May the happy years always be with you. I wish you a happy holiday!


you are a wonderful beach, overlooking the world as I picked up the beautiful shells. Happy Teacher's Day!



a sincere blessing, on behalf of many grateful heart. May your joy and your wish be fulfilled when you open this little card! Happy Teacher's Day!


touching sincere heartstrings, bear in mind the bitterness of growth, the success of the road is inseparable from you, dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever! Happy Teacher's Day!


good management talent is not born, but nurtured, and my growth and your concern is inseparable, sincerely thank you, sir! Happy Teacher's Day!


teachings such as the spring breeze, you like deep sea. Happy Teacher's Day!


although I am not your best student, but you are my best teacher, I wish you everything, every day a good mood. Happy Teacher's Day!


You are not actors, but to attract the attention of our hunger and thirst; you are not a singer, ding-dong sound allows the springs of knowledge, sing beautiful songs; you are not a sculptor, but groups of young people in shaping the soul ... .. the teacher ah, how can I put you forget!


If I can fighting blue sky, when you gave me to take off; If I hit the wave of warriors that try their hand that you gave me the strength, if I is not quenched the torch that you gave me youth's bright!


teacher, your hard work! You let me know that "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart"!


grateful for your words a thousand words can not express late, for your blessings of heavenly years will not change, the teacher, I wish you good luck!


students everywhere, kindness deep as the sea,I wish good health teacher!


a festival, though not in the spring, but spring. Teacher, your holiday best, this day, your garden's flowers are in full bloom!


mountain unwavering, constant flow of clear water, my teacher grace, heart stay forever!


teacher, you work hard, every school is the first to you, and the last batch of home is your "day as a teacher, parent" I wish you glory in the educational career!


a picture of simple face, which both hard hands, as tirelessly cultivating the flowers and the gardener in your season, I wish you a happy holiday!


In this special holiday, we would like to tell you: the teacher, you work hard, I wish the teacher can music of life, to laugh test!





