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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:感动的绿茶




write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.”


Man and Computer

It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates people’s daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society.

People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real danger is not that the computer will think like man, but man will think like the computer.” Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life. According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a poker face and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention, because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional connections with others. Yet, it is also unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to figure out better ways to make improvements.



The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. Your should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

As we can see, from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with. Under each one of them, there are two Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”. Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer. There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought. However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things well without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability. In this sense, computer has made us go backward.

Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side effects of computer. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many good habits as possible in spare time.




For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Will Network Classroom Replace Traditional Classroom? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:





Will Network Classrooms Replace Traditional Classrooms?

With the popularization of the Internet, network classrooms are gaining more and more popularity. As a new teaching pattern, network classrooms have become an effective complement to traditional classrooms. So some people propose one question: will network classrooms replace traditional classrooms?

As to this question, the opinions vary from one to another. Some people think it quite possible for network classrooms to take the place of traditional classrooms. First, network classrooms needn’t have face-to-face communication and are not limited by time and place, which facilitate both teachers and students. Secondly, network classrooms release teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again. However, many people have opposite standpoints. They say that with online courses, students lack direct communications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly. In addition, the computer system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the time。

Personally, both network classrooms and traditional classrooms are necessary for students. If traditional teaching patterns and the modern ones like network classrooms can be combined together, more fruitful education is sure to be realized。





