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发布时间:2021-01-29 栏目:阅读 投稿:火星上的黑夜


Speaking of grateful parents, everyone will say parents are raising me, of course to be grateful. First of all, we would like to thank them here let us born in this beautiful world. Without them there would be no us, without them there would be no us today, without them there would be no we now good result.

Parents is we are the first teachers in life, from we began to learn to speak, walk, has been to grow up, every success, and even failed every time, parents will remember in my heart, accompany in your side, give you silently support, patient counseling, let us quickly learned how to be a useful person to society. So we have such parents, just can have happy today.

Parents also is very love us. Even the body piercing minor injuries, they will be very self-reproach, why didn't always want to watch the children of her own heart. If you are sick, they must be out in a proper meal, sleep, even cry for a little while. Remember once, I had a high fever, mother carried me to the hospital, from the anxious expression in her eyes I deeply feel the parents of my love is from the heart. Parents take care of us like to take care of the little angel, let we grew up and became a healthy and lively big boy. They pay for us, we do everything never called for the return.

The classmates, let us learn to Thanksgiving! With a grateful heart to treat their parents, with a heart sincere heart to communicate with their parents, don't take it for granted that their parents to help us to do anything, they brought us to this beautiful world, is great enough, and pull us is big, also not return, silently pay for us, Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving parents give us everything!

This again, I also wish the world says parents well-being! Happy!










