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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:过时的路人







Today is a special day. We must know it! Today is the National Day, how are you going? I am very good, especially those three things that make me unforgettable.

Funny one: my father and mother a meal, on the pedestrian street. Along the way, the pedestrian street is crowded. If the father reminds me, I have long been unable to recognize the pedestrian street. Full of lush trees. Did not think only a few days did not come, the pedestrian street has such a big change. Really so-called Liu grandmother into the Grand View Garden, this to go, really let me eye-opener. Hey, how are there so many people around you! Look at the past. Wow! The original is the drums in order to celebrate the National Day, give us cheer. I saw those grandmother full of energy, rhythm of the drums. This is also a hot spot on the pedestrian street.

Interesting two: afternoon, our family, plus my grandfather together to the world fishing village to eat. Here is a feature that is what you want to eat now cook I heard, said: "Today, I was the master of mine." Then ran to the point of the mine. Wow! The fish here is so much! There are eel, Chinese sturgeon, and sea holy ... everything. Or else how to call the world fishing village! I ordered a bit of bitter, I heard that you can lose weight. Also ordered a braised fish, iron beef ... everyone boasted my point is very good.

Interesting three: finished, my father and mother went straight to Phoenix Phoenix Hill Park. Go in, where the play of the Puxian play to attract me. Not that they played well, but the audience for those who accompany them to pull the erhu of the old people, saw them concentrate on pulling the erhu. I looked from the audience, he pulled the finger is not a place is inconsistent, head straight sweat. It seems to be completely into the inside to go, pull so well, so I envy dead. I am also determined in this, good learning Erhu, after growing up as they are so prestige.

I was so happy at the National Day.







Today, the weather is clear, cloudless, I am energetic to meet the National Day.

Quickly open the TV, see the central one, is broadcast the Uncle of the PLA in Tiananmen Square to the people of the heroic monument to the flower basket scene, watching, tears involuntarily from the cheeks on both sides of the drip down, yes ah, how the people hero The great, they are under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong, carried out not afraid of death, resolutely fight to the final spirit. So that the final success of the defeat of the small Japanese devils and the KMT.

At 3:00 on October 1, 1949, 30000 people in Beijing held a grand ceremony in Tiananmen Square to celebrate the establishment of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. Chairman Mao Zedong's solemn declaration of the People's Republic of China, the Central People's Government was established, and personally raised the first side of the five-star red flag. Chairman Mao read the Notice of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China represents the sole legal government of the people of the People's Republic of China." Any foreign government that wishes to abide by the principles of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect for territorial sovereignty , The government is willing to establish diplomatic relations with it. "Then held a parade and mass procession. Zhu De commander to review the land, sea and air force, and announced the "People's Liberation Army headquarters command", ordered the Chinese People's Liberation Army to quickly eliminate all the remnants of the Kuomintang, the liberation of all undeveloped land. On the same day, Beijing Xinhua radio station in Tiananmen Square, the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China live broadcast. This is the history of the Chinese people's broadcast large-scale live broadcast, radio stations across the country at the same time network. So far, has been a full sixty years, but the spirit of the Chinese people so far spread to the present ... ...

At noon to sleep a sweet afternoon, finally wait until the evening, standing in the window happily stood "God whip", "spray gun", "candle gun" and "sound flute." Stood and stood, are finished, but there are some nostalgia, but also want to put some more, but no guns in reality.

More beautiful day! Motherland, happy birthday!








"Oh," finally a holiday, I kept on the bag, did not forget to say to the school, "Oh, goodbye!

Take the door of the school, a ray of breeze blowing over my hair, all the troubles pushed to clean the net. Ordinary heavy bags have become easy. Who seems to have endless effort, along the way jump and jump.

In the evening, and sister a merit to discuss how to spend this holiday. Laughing along the cliffs from the cabin flew boundless sky. I slept so late that night was very mellow.

The first day of the holiday, very early and my sister woke up from the sweet dreams. Opened the pleasant eyes, sucking the morning that sweet sandwiched a trace of moist air, the spirit of a lot of strong. Long and my father said to go to Chenxi tour a pass, this time, he was still ready to see. Finally ready, we finally set foot on the journey to Chenxi. The road is full of trees on both sides, really a little return to the feeling of nature. I and my sister can not help but murmured songs, playing the beat to come. Good along the way is good. To the Chen Creek, I am more excited, we three people stroll here, there look, treat everything so curious. Things naturally made big bags, the money is also natural, such as water generally spent out, although very distressed, but still ruthless heart, determined to have a good national celebration, a full four hours later, we finally triumphant return.

But the holidays after a few days everything has changed, my sister and I feel the head hurts hurt, my heart is stuffy panic. Just a moment of pleasure and joy has long disappeared without a trace, it seems no longer enjoy the first Fan Wen network careless life. Seems to have become miss the school, and miss the heavy study of life, miss the teacher's harsh, miss friends and friends with jokes, really want to take a holiday, want to go to school on vacation.

In the National Day holiday, my heart inadvertently lost trouble, but let me know how to cherish the learning time.

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写景的作文:为你精心推荐: 天气阴沉沉的,不一会儿就飘起雪

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