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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:羞涩的帽子






Today is the double ninth festival, the teacher gave us a task: bring a gift to visit the elders of the family.

I had a hard time thinking that there were so many elders in my family who would I visit? After a while, dad came along and looked at it. He asked, "what's on your mind, son?" I said, "the teacher asked us to visit our elders, but I can't think of whom to call." Dad said, "just visit grandpa. Good idea! I said. "But what for grandpa?" "Send a card to grandpa."

My father said. I didn't say anything, and immediately I went to do it. I took the red paper, cut the red paper into a star, and wrote on it; Happy father's day! I close the card, go to the bedroom, see grandpa on the sofa watch TV, I walk past, say to grandpa: "grandpa, this card sends you, please open to see!" Grandpa accepted the card, opened a look, and said to me with a smile: "it's really my good grandson." I was smirking at the side.




Today is the double ninth festival, is the old man festival, this reminds me of one of the things happened yesterday: when eating lunch, my grandma wants me to drink cabbage soup, I impatiently say: "I don't drink, difficult to drink is dead!" My mother then scolded me and said how can I talk to my grandmother like this? Don't respect the old man! I didn't think I was doing it right now.

Respecting the old and the young is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, especially the nine. The ninth double ninth festival, this is our filial piety old people's festival. I wish the old people of the world a happy holiday!






The double ninth festival is a festival that has been handed down for many years. There was a double ninth festival as early as 2500 years ago. The double ninth festival is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. On the day of double ninth festival, people have the custom of eating double ninth cake and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

The double ninth festival is also the old day. People go to their parents' homes to visit the elderly and buy some fruits or snacks for the elderly. They also accompany the elderly to climb the mountain, to stick the dogwood in the mountain, and drink chrysanthemum wine.

There is a poem about the double ninth festival, which is very good, called "September 9th memory brother of shandong", the content is: alone in the foreign country as a stranger, every time festival times The Times. He who knows his brother is at the highest level. It's about the double ninth festival when people go up to the mountain and miss their loved ones. The "independence", "foreign land" and "stranger" in the previous sentence have revealed the loneliness of the poet and the pain of falling away. In particular, the second sentence sums up the mood of the poet's homesickness. This sentence is so good that it becomes a famous saying.

Not only do we have to visit our relatives on the double ninth festival, but we also have to visit our family members and bring our care and cordial greetings to them.

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