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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:懦弱的小蝴蝶



1. She did not admit C in prison twice.

A. to be B. be being C. having been put D. putting

2. C__by Columbus, all the arguments came to an end.

A. The New Land was discovered B. Was the Name discovering

C. With the New Land discovered D. With the New Land discovering

3. Apart from these sciences there is philosophy, about D we will talk in detail later.

A. that B. it

C. what D. which

4. __ D the change in the interest rate, dollars will be faced with an exceptionally difficult situation.

A. Seeing from B. Judging C. Judged D. Judging from

5. A _marketing is concerned, I think the best thing is to have a meeting with the sales manager and the advertising people.

A. As far as B. As for C. As to D. As regards

6. In solving the difficulty, what really D is our courage and spirit.

A. senses B. requires C. needs D. counts

7. It’s no good C remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned.

A. try to B. to try to

C. trying to D. tried to

8. The business is risky. But__A we would be rich.

A. should we succeed B. would we succeed

C. might we succeed D. could we succeed

9. If only the committee __D_ __ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.

A. approve B. will approve

C. can approve D. would approve

10. She never laughed, __B__ lose her temper

A. or she ever didB. nor did she ever

11. We don’t understand why you object to C___ with us. 

A. him coming B. that he comes

C. his coming D. that he come 

12. He kept playing the same record ___C___ until I had to leave the room.

A. now and again B. now and then

C. over and over D. far and wide

13. I cannot recommend the exciting movie _ A _ strongly.

A. too B. Very C. so D. quite

74. Please don’t be angry. I __D_ __ to help rather than to hurt you.

A. plotted B. managed

C. supposed D. meant

15. __A_ __ it or not, his discovery his created a stir in scientific circles.

A. Believe B. To believe

C. Believing D. Believed





