大家对于快要到来的托福考试有什么想了解的呢,多看看真题还有托福预测也有很有帮助的,万一考试遇到 了呢,下面和我爱学习网小编一起来看看2018年5月26日托福考试口语预测。
托福口语TASK2的题型大都是Some people&……, others…….因此答案一开始就是I prefer的形式来表明立场,那么这时候为了让我们论述的时候显得充分。可以先用一个缓兵之计,although来做一个折中。
1. 第一句表明立场,做出选择。
2. 接下来用Although句型点出没有选择的选项的优点,随即说出这个优点的弊端。
3. 然后再说出两个选择的那个选项的优点,答案即可完成。
题目:If you have some extra money, which would you prefer to spend on? Objects, like clothes and electronics. Experiences, like vacations and concerts.
题目:Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities; others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
题目:Some students like to take notes in class; others prefer to mainly listen to the teacher. Which one do you prefer? Explain why.
题目:Some people prefer jobs working with computers or other technology, others like jobs working with no such technology. Which do you think is better and why?
题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people think the stories of famous people on TV have no relevance to ordinary people.
题目:Some people think that innate talent is important to a sportsman. Others think that working hard is important to a sportsman. What is your opinion and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.