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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:爱撒娇的黄豆


Task 1

Talk about at least 1 advantage/ disadvantage about not being active on social website and social media.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is acceptable that someone use other’s influence to get a job.

Task 3

阅读标题: combine students& faculty dinning

原因1:Students need more space. It is too crowded.

原因2:Encourage positive social interaction with professor.


原因1:professors are not often coming to dinning hall. They have more options: eat at home, local restaurant or office. So students could have more space.

原因2:the student is concern about the “interaction”. She thinks students might bother professor when they just want to deal with their colleagues or eat quietly. But it still worth a try.

Task 4

阅读标题:high-effort products

定义:Products that need people to depend on their own. People who have difficulties toachieve goals would like to choose this kind of products.

听力例子:The professor did a test: there are two kinds of shoes, one is made in advanced technology, and the slogan is “work less, jump higher”; the other is using muscles,the slogan is “work harder, jump higher.”

Then he asked 2 basketball teams to choose. The poorly performed team would like to choose the later, while the winning team would prefer the first shoes.

Task 5

问题:Sue wrote a paper about people’s health, yet she saw a new study she could add in it. But she has no time because she has a band rehearsal in the afternoon.

解决方案1:no adding.

优点1:her paper is cool already , she put much effort on it.

缺点1:the new study could better her paper.

解决方案2:skip the band rehearsal

优点2:she could rewrite the paper and add in the new study.

缺点2:It is the last rehearsal before music festival.

Task 6

话题: How dam could have negative impacts on animals

要点1:block the passage for species have to migrate.

例子1:Salmons have to migrate to upper side of the river to mate and reproduce. Their population decrease because of the dam.

要点2:change of geography will ruin the habituate for some species

例子2:A kind of birds live at tall grass near the river. But when dam established, there is no growing of tall grass any more. And the birds just vanished.




2017年8月托福独立口语预测 【网友版】


