Task 1
Nowadays universities usually hold exams in the class, and recently some universities allow students to take exams at home. Talk about its advantages or disadvantages. Give specific reasons to support your answer.
Task 2
Some people prefer talking about their opinion immediately when they get the topic, while others prefer to wait and listen to others before they talk about their own opinion. Which one do you prefer and why ?
Task 3
标题:The university is planning to provide food delivery service.
改变:Students can delivery food to dormitory or other places.
观点:The man totally agrees with this plan.
原因1:Sometimes student are busy preparing for exams and doing studies, so they have no time to eat in cafeteria, and this service can provide them with convenience.
原因2:Student can get more opportunities to take part-time jobs at night since they have many classes during the day.
Task 4
概念:Animal inhibition
定义:Some animals live in groups, and every member in a group has its own role. For example, the young ones need to study and the old ones need to find foods. In some cases, the old animals prevent the young ones from doing things that should be done by old ones.
例子:The professor takes honeybees as an example. The young bees have to stay in a hive and the old bees come out to find food. In order to prevent young bees coming out, old bees may produce a kind of chemical material, and young bees respond to this material by staying in the hive. When more old bees die, the amount of chemical material will decrease, so young bees come out of the hive to find food just like the old bees did.
Task 5
问题:The man is going to attend a career fair, but at the same time he needs to attendhistory class and take the midterm exam.
解决方案1:The professor will give the man a paper which he needs to finish in a week.
优点:He can attend the career fair.
缺点:Compared to preparing the midterm exam, he needs to spend more time on the paper.
解决方案2:To take the mid term exam.
缺点:He can still go to the career fair, but it may come to the end, so he won’t have enough time to talk with hiring managers of every company.
Task 6
标题:Two disadvantages of licensing
概念:In order to gain more profits,some companies make and sell products in other country.
要点1:It’s hard to control the quality of the products.
例子1:A shoes company allows the other company to make shoes in other country. But the foreign company uses cheap material and the shoes fall apart. So the reputation of the home company will be damaged.
要点2:Foreign company will compete with the home company.
例子2:A cellphone company uses a new technology on its products, and allows a foreign company to help sell products. Then the foreign company learns about the new technology and produce their own products.
Passage One
Passage Two
相似话题推荐:Early life forms and Earth Atmosphere/ Elements of life
Passage Three
学科分类: 人文商贸
Passage Four
学科分类: 人文历史
总论点:Red palm weevil is a kind of pest which feeds on the leaves and trunks of palm. It originates in tropical forest of Asia,and spread all over the world. So experts are studying how to control the spread of weevils.
阅读观点:There are three possible ways.
1、 cut down the infested trees
Once the palm trees are infested, they will show symptoms like yellow leaves and holes on the trunks. If the infested trees are cut down as soon as possible, then the weevils can be prevented from spreading.
2、 Use pheromone mixture to trap pest
Weevils will be attracted by the pheromone mixture and be caught in the traps. Then they will be killed by the toxic substance put in the trap.
3 、use pesticides
weevils can be killed through spraying the pesticides on trunks and the soil.
听力观点:Controlling the spread of weevils is still a challenging task, and all the solutions have weakness.
1、Firstly, the symptoms of infestation is hard to monitor in the initial period of time. When the palm tree shows symptom like yellow leaves, actually it has been infested for almost one month, and weevils have had enough time to reproduce. So it is useless to destroy the infested trees because the weevils have already moved on to infest other trees.
2、The poisonous chemicals in traps could not stay active for a long time. To make the traps work, people should replenish the traps each week. If the traps are not replaced regularly, the weevils would not be killed and so they will spread in the surrounding area.
3、There are hundreds of weevils living deep inside the trees. Even though pesticides are applied thoroughly to reach the deep inside trees, some weevils would survive. And any surviving female can lay more than 200 eggs at a time. As a result, they can produce enough offspring to keep doing serious damage to many trees.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Playing sports can teach people lessons about the life.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Conversat ion 1
话题分类:student and Biology professor
内容回忆:professor找学生过来说很喜欢他的paper但是有些地方希望他修改一下。学生写的是mutualism, 里面提到了example是关于ants和acacia plant,蚂蚁的larvae会吃植物,所以成年蚂蚁会保护该植物;但professor指出1. 学生要写明exact species, 具体哪种蚂蚁会和这种植物共生;2.可以增加其他例子。最后表扬学生结尾写了这类共生关系对环境的impact,非常好。
Conversation 2
话题分类:student and book store manager
内容回忆:学生先说自己买错书了,拿过来退,于是manager给她refund。接着聊到manager自己也是本校毕业生,看到学生学的是关于莎士比亚的intro course ,开始尬聊。谈到学这个要做很多research,现在图书馆开放时间延长到midnight了会更方便。接着谈第二个问题,学生请他帮忙找一本professor要求买的书the brand-new brave,但是没找到,不是sold out, 而是放到了fiction分类里,明天能拿到;学生说自己高中看过这本书,但是没有参加当时的book club;manager接着说professor都喜欢让学生读一些 barely heard of的书。
Lecture 1
内容回忆: 提到一个小冰河时期被称为the younger D, D是一种花的名字, 这种花能在寒冷的环境生存,还在当地找到了它的pollen。接着聊到这个时期很特别,骤然由暖变冷,时间很短, against之前以为的climate change要花1000years。然后提到变冷的原因:1st theory是ice dam,提到一个海峡stop currents, 大量冰川融化产生的freshwater进入Atlantic ocean,2ndtheory是meteor impact, 会引发dust cloud导致温度降低,但是又提到没有发现crater heat,而且后来也有这样的impact却没有使温度降低;professor觉得dust clouds可能才是温度降低的原因。
Lecture 2
内容回忆: 开头就提出肖像是有争议的,通过测试发现1.这幅画完成于文艺复兴时期晚期,那会莎士比亚46岁;2.这幅画作的owner是莎翁的一个sponsor。然后提出异议1.画像上的人穿着太fancy,在伊丽莎白时代规定了playwright这样社会地位的人能穿什么;但professor说晚期比较relax; 2.画里人太年轻,莎翁52岁就die了,46怎么这么youthful;professor又提出当时喜欢idealize被画的人(美颜666)。
Lecture 3
学科分类: sociology
内容回忆: 先提出今天讨论人们如何做决定。讲到一个罐子装着dry beans,怎样能估算到里面豆子的数量。学生提出可以一个班都估算最后取平均值;professor赞同,但是提出不能相互看答案,否则会互相影响。提出crowds effect 概念,从众能给人更多自信。
Lecture 4
学科分类: psychology
标题:theory of mind
内容回忆:人可以了解到大家对同一个事物看法不一样,并从他人角度思考问题,4岁以前的小孩就不行,因为没有发展一种叫theory of mind的能力;这种能力可能导致欺骗,比如朋友去面试,其实表现一般,你却可能说非常棒。然后用大猩猩来做实验,一个是dominate,另一个是subordinate,放在同一个区域竞争食物,subordinate的大猩猩能够根据dominate的反应知道它是否清楚食物在哪,然后通过deception把食物吃掉;实验表明大猩猩有这样的element,但没有能够强大到从别人的角度思考。最后还用人和大猩猩做这样的实验,professor觉得没什么意义,反映不出deceptive的行为。