鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)是美国一所顶尖的文理学院,也是新常春藤盟校之一,位于美国的缅因州。鲍登学院2017–2018学年的留学费用是多少呢?来看看我爱学习网的翻译介绍吧。
Fees for the 2017–2018 academic year are listed below. Books, personal expenses and travel are not direct charges to the student’s bill each semester; the student must budget for such items on his/her own. See estimated expenses for books, supplies and personal expenses below. For planning purposes, students and parents should anticipate an increase in tuition and other charges each year to reflect program changes and other cost increases experienced by the College.
Annual Schedule of Fees for 2017-18
1Board reflects the standard full-board rate.
*Underclass students will be billed an additional $30 annually for class dues. Senior students will be billed an additional $60 annually for class dues.
Semester Schedule of Fees for 2017-18
1Board reflects the standard full-board rate.
*Underclass students will be billed an additional $15 per semester for class dues. Senior students will be billed an additional $30 per semester for class dues.
Student Injury and Illness Insurance Plan
All students are billed for student health insurance in the fall semester. Coverage may be waived at www.gallagherstudent.com/Bowdoin.
The cost of the health plan is $2,249 for 2017-18. An accident only insurance plan is available to students who decide to waive coverage at a cost of $430 for 2017-18. Please visit the Health Center web page for more information.
Off-Campus Study Fee
The College assesses a fee for participation in off-campus study programs. The fee for 2017–2018 is $1,000 per program.
Refund Policy
Students leaving the College during the course of a semester are refunded tuition and fees based on the following schedule:
During the first two weeks: 80%;During the third week: 60%;During the fourth week: 40%;During the fifth week: 20%;Over five weeks: No refund
2017-18学年的健康计划费用为2,249 美元。事故险提供给决定放弃2017-18学年430美元承保范围的学生。详情请访问健康中心网站。
鲍登学院对校外课程收取费用。2017–2018 学年每门校外课程为1000美元。