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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:欣慰的盼望

If you’re thinking of establishing a career in politics or international relations, you may be wondering which university is for you. The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017 can help, featuring a ranking of the world’s top political science schools.

Where will the political leaders of tomorrow come from? It could be Harvard University, the top-ranked university for Politics for the fifth year running. Political expertise isn’t uniquely American though: seven other countries feature in this year’s top 20.

Canada has already had a very strong start to 2017, with Montréal named the best city for students in the world, but the good news doesn’t stop there. One of the biggest climbers towards the top of this year’s politics & international studies ranking is theUniversity of Toronto, which moves up 12 places to 12th.

You can click here to find out how the ranking is compiled, and view the full interactive ranking table here.





Top universities for politics & international studies in the US & Canada

The US has a large presence in the political science ranking, with 45 institutions featured in the ranking, including 16 in the top 50. Outside the five US universities in the top 10 (above), other leading entrants include Georgetown University (11th), the University of Chicago (13th), the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (14th) and Johns Hopkins University (16th).

Canada hosts 12 more of the world’s top political schools, including four new entries this year. Its three highest ranked universities for politics and international studies are the University of Toronto (ranked 12th, up 12 places from last year), McGill University (34th) and the University of British Colombia (37th).




Top universities for politics & international studies in Europe

The UK has 31 top universities for politics, 18 of which are in the top 100. Outside the three UK institutions in the top 10, other leading universities include King’s College London (KCL) (32nd), the University of Essex (36th) and SOAS – School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (39th).

Looking at the rest of Europe, Germany offers nine of the world’s top political science schools, including Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the top 50. Italy meanwhile has seven top universities for politics, including two in the top 100. Belgium’s six entrants include two with top-100 positions, one of which is KU Leuven.

The Netherlands is the next-best represented country in Europe with five top political science schools, including Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam in the top 50. Sweden and Switzerland offer four top universities each, with Switzerland’s ETH Zurich featured in the top 50.

Elsewhere, France, Denmark, Norway, Ireland and Russia are each home to three top universities for politics and international studies. Of these five nations, France has one institution in the top 10 (above), while two of Denmark’s entrants are in the top 50 – the University of Copenhagen (25th) and Aarhus University (47th). Two of Russia’s representatives are in the top 100.

Finally, Spain has two top political science schools, while Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary and Poland have one each. Of these, Hungary’s Central European University achieves the highest rank (=42nd).







Top universities for politics & international studies in Australia & New Zealand

Australia has 10 top universities for politics and international studies, including seven in the top 100. Joining Australian National University (ANU) in the top 50 are the University of Sydney (23rd) and the University of Melbourne (38th).

New Zealand claims three of the world’s top political science schools, with the University of Auckland the highest ranked of these at 51-100.




Top universities for politics & international studies in Asia

South Korea is home to the largest number of top universities for politics in Asia with eight institutions featured this year, including two in the top 50 - Seoul National University (SNU) (29th) and Korea University (=42nd).

Next up is Japan with seven entrants, four of which are in the top 100 for politics and international studies, led by the University of Tokyo at joint 17th.

China offers five more top political schools, including three in the top 50: Peking University, Fudan University and Tsinghua University, while Hong Kong also performs well – all of its three top universities for politics are in the top 100, led by the University of Hong Kong at 31st.

Singapore and Taiwan each have two institutions featured, including one each in the top 50: Singapore has the National University of Singapore (NUS) (15th) while Taiwan is home to National Taiwan University(NTU) (49th).

Lastly, India is home to one top political science school: Jawaharlal Nehru University, ranked 101-150.







Top universities for politics & international studies in Latin America

Of the nine top political science schools in Latin America, four are found in Brazil, including the highest ranked in both the region and the country: Universidade de São Paulo (51-100).

Colombia has two entries, led by Universidad de Los Andes Colombia at 101-150, while Mexico’s sole entrant, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) is also placed 101-150.

Argentina and Chile also each have one school featured in the ranking, both placed 101-150:Universidad de Buenos Aires from Argentina and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile from Chile.





Top universities for politics & international studies in Africa & the Middle East

Heading to the Middle East, Turkey is home to three top political science schools, including Bilkent University (151-200).

Lastly, South Africa offers three entrants in the politics ranking, including the University of Cape Town and the University of Witwatersrand, both ranked 101-150.






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