Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering Institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions and pressing societal challenges. Caltech's extraordinary faculty and students are expanding our understanding of the universe and inventing the technologies of the future, with research interests from quantum science and engineering to bioinformatics and the nature of life itself, from human behavior and economics to energy and sustainability.
Caltech is small but prizes excellence and ambition. The contributions of Caltech's faculty and alumni have earned national and international recognition, including 35 Nobel Prizes. The Institute manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA, sending probes to explore the planets of our solar system and quantify changes on our home planet; owns and operates large-scale research facilities such as the Seismological Laboratory and a global network of astronomical observatories, including the Palomar and W. M. Keck Observatories; and cofounded and comanages LIGO, which, in 2016, observed gravitational waves for the first time.
The Institute has one of the nation's lowest student-to-faculty ratios, with 300 professorial faculty members offering a rigorous curriculum and access to varied learning opportunities and hands-on research to approximately 1,000 undergraduates and 1,250 graduate students. Caltech is an independent, privately supported institution with a 124-acre campus located in Pasadena, California.
The mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating outstanding students to become creative members of society.
In September 1891, Pasadena philanthropist Amos Throop rented the Wooster Block building in Pasadena for the purpose of establishing Throop University, the forerunner to Caltech. In November of that year, Throop University opened its doors with 31 students and a six-member faculty. Throop might have remained simply a good local school had it not been for the arrival in Pasadena of astronomer George Ellery Hale. The first director of the Mount Wilson Observatory, Hale became a member of Throop's board of trustees in 1907, and began molding the school into a first-class institution for engineering and scientific research and education.
By 1921, Hale had been joined by chemist Arthur A. Noyes and physicist Robert A. Millikan. These three men set the school, which by then had been renamed the California Institute of Technology, firmly on its new course. Millikan and his successors—Lee DuBridge, Harold Brown, Marvin Goldberger, Thomas Everhart, David Baltimore, Jean-Lou Chameau, and now Thomas F. Rosenbaum—have led the Institute to its current academic and scientific preeminence.
THE CALTECH ARCHIVES was formally established in 1968 to serve as the collective memory of the California Institute of Technology. Our mission is to preserve and make accessible the institutional records, personal papers, documents, artifacts and pictorial materials that tell the school's history.
The Archives' unique research collections in the history of science and technology range from the time of Copernicus to today. They are available to the campus community for instructional and research purposes, as well as to qualified non-campus users by appointment.
1981年9月,帕萨迪纳市的慈善家 Amos Throop 租用了帕萨迪纳市伍斯特街一些楼房,计划成立Throop大学。Throop大学即为加州理工学院的前身。1981年11月,Throop大学开放,有31名学生和6名教师。若不是因为帕萨迪纳市天文学家乔治·埃勒里·海耳的到来,Throop大学可能还一直只是一所不错的地方学校。乔治·埃勒里·海耳是 威尔逊山天文台第一任主任,1907年成为Throop大学董事会成员,并开始将Throop大学打造成为一所一流的工科学校。
到1921年,·海耳得到了化学家亚瑟A. 诺伊斯和物理学家罗伯特 A.米利根的协助。他们三个人对学校进行改造,而学校当时已更名为加州理工学院,建立起了全新的课程。米利根和他的继承者杜布里奇、 哈罗德·布朗、戈德伯格、托马斯埃弗哈特、戴维·巴尔的摩、让·卢·沙梅欧以及现在的托马斯F.罗森鲍姆引领学院实现了学术和科学上的卓越。
Biology & Biological Engineering
Caltech biologists work to reveal nature's mechanisms—how tens of thousands of components act in concert in cells, how organisms grow from single cells, how the brain maintains its consciousness, emotions, and superb computational capabilities, and what happens when any of those processes goes awry.
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Caltech's chemists and chemical engineers study nature's most intricate processes on scales from the subatomic to the macroscopic. Their discoveries lead to the creation of revolutionary tools, molecules, and materials for medicine, clean energy, environmental protection, and more.
Engineering & Applied Science
Caltech's engineers and applied scientists invent the future, working across a wide variety of disciplines and at the fundamental boundaries of science to both conceive and design tomorrow's technologies.
Geological & Planetary Sciences
Whether studying the atmospheres of exoplanets, the minerals of Mars, or earthquakes on Earth, Caltech's geological and planetary scientists use powerful geophysical tools and methods to unravel these phenomenal natural systems and understand the past, present, and future of all our solar system's planets.
Humanities & Social Sciences
The division brings together diverse faculty, from historians to philosophers to economists to neuroscientists, to explore human history and creativity, look at the decisions we make and how we make them, and provide new insights into how we communicate and understand our world.
Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy
Caltech's physicists, mathematicians, and astronomers explore the universe from all perspectives and at all scales. The division brings together experimentalists and theorists, applied and basic scientists, and encourages them to delve into time and space, from today back to the Big Bang, from the cosmos to the subatomic.
Research Centers and Institutes
Caltech's researchers are known for scientific inquiry that is bold, innovative, and impactful. Because they're allowed to freely explore their best ideas, these investigators are able to further technology, theory, and both fundamental and applied science among a broad range of research areas.
Cross-disciplinary research centers and institutes support collaborations that develop powerful ideas and move society forward.
Astronomy and Planetary Science,Behavior and Economics,Computing,Earthquake Science and Engineering,Energy and the Environment,Engineering and Technology,Human Health,Humanities and Neuroscience.
(PhD '93, Mechanical Engineering)
For her sustained record of leadership and innovation in technology and business. Throughout her career—as the first woman to become the director of the U.S. Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and as an executive in technology—Dugan has spearheaded groundbreaking initiatives in the fields of cybersecurity, social media, and advanced manufacturing methods.
(PhD '84, Astronomy)
For his contributions to astronomy and his work to enhance the public's interest in science. Filippenko contributed significant research that led to the discovery of cosmic acceleration. A prolific author, mentor, and noted speaker, Filippenko is one of the most recognized and cited astronomers working today.
莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling),PhD 1925,1954年诺贝尔化学奖得主,1962年诺贝尔和平奖得主。
赵忠尧(Chung-Yao Chao),PhD 1930,物理学家,中国核物理的奠基人。
钱学森(Tsien Hsue-shen),PhD 1939,空气动力学家,曾领导中国的导弹和火箭研制。
钱伟长(Wei-Chang Qian),1942,中国近代力学之父,中国政协副主席,著名教育家。
冯元桢(Yuan-Cheng Fung),PhD 1948,生物力学的奠基人。
林家翘(Chia-Chiao Lin),PhD 1944,力学和数学家,当代应用数学学派的领路人。
周培源(Pei-Yuan Chou),PhD 1928,理论物理学家、流体力学家。
戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore),PhD 1954,英特尔公司的创办者之一,摩尔定律的创立者。
叶公杼(Lily Yeh Jan),PhD 1974,生物物理学家、美国国家科学院院士。
理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman),著名物理学家,1965年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。
马丁·施密特(Maarten Schmidt),天文学家,类星体的发现者。
谈家桢(C. C. Tan),PhD 1936,中国现代遗传学奠基人。
鲍文奎,PhD 1950,中国植物遗传学家。
法兰克·卡普拉(Frank Capra),BS 1918,奥斯卡最佳导演奖3次得主。
陈繁昌(Tony Chan),BS,MS,前加州大学洛杉机分校自然科学学院院长,现任香港科技大学校长。