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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:单薄的战斗机


The problem is that sometimes these resolutions can just turn out to be hopes and dreams, and not actual things that are done. So today I wanted to talk about practical new year resolutions that people can set for themselves.


1. Read Books 看书

This is also my new year goal is to read more books. I’m sure that there are many people here that likes to read books, but what happens so often is we get busy with work, family and friends and lose time to read more books. A practical goal to set is reading one book every two months.


2. Exercise 锻炼

Everyone in America has this goal of exercising. Most people want to start off their new year with a goal to lose more weight. Some have a resolution to get bigger and stronger. This is the hardest resolution, most people find it difficult and don’t follow through. A great practical it to start with one exercise and build on to that. You can start with running and do that for a couple of months or more and then add another.


3. Language 语言

This is very difficult, but not impossible. I know this many of your new year resolutions is to learn English, or to get better at speaking the language. This is more of a personality kind of thing.


Learning a language can be scary, and persistence and consistency is needed. If you do something consistently, like playing tennis, try adding English into that time so you can practice making it consistent.






