Applications for admission to the Faculty should be submitted through theonline application system. No assurance can be given that applications receivedafter the deadlines will be processed in time to permit the applicant toregister for the following session. Specific instructions for applicants areincluded with the application.
All applications to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University ofCalgary must include the following:
a) A non-refundable application fee for each application to a graduatedegree program. $125 for Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, $145 forinternational students with a study permit.
b) Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you haveattended. Original documents or certified true copies of each of your officialtranscripts and degree certificates, in the original sealed envelope, sentdirectly from the issuing University.
If original documents are not in English:
Original documents or certified true copies of each of your officialtranscripts and degree certificates in the original language, in the originalsealed envelope, sent directly from the issuing University, and an Englishtranslation from the issuing University or a notarized word-for-word Englishtranslation of a duplicate copy of that original.
c) Official TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, MELAB, GMAT, GRE scores and/or otherrequirements of the program for which application is being made.
Please see program entries in this Calendar for any additional programrequirements, including details on reference letters.
Normally, an appropriate letter of recommendation is one written by anindependent individual who can provide an assessment of the applicant'sbackground and capabilities with respect to the prospective program. Lettersfrom friends, family members, colleagues, people currently registered in agraduate degree program, or general reference letters that are not written insupport of the person's application to the particular graduate program are notacceptable. An applicant currently registered in a graduate degree program, orwho has recently completed a graduate degree program, will normally submit oneletter of reference from their program supervisor. Unless the applicant has beenout of school for more than four years, at least one letter, and preferablyboth, should be by an academic. A reference from a non-academic source shouldcome from a person who has had direct supervisory experience of theapplicant.
All graduate programs have limited enrolment capacities. Meeting theminimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
If at any time it is discovered that a student was admitted on the basis offalsified documents or information, the admission will immediately be declarednull and void and future admission will be denied.
Note: Advanced credit must be requested at the time of application foradmission.
Students will not normally be permitted to register in a University ofCalgary certificate, degree or diploma program while simultaneously workingtoward another certificate, degree or diploma at the University of Calgary or atanother institution. Joint degree programs and cotutelle admissions are anexception to this regulation.