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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:尊敬的羽毛


The founder of Doshisha, Joseph Neesima, studied at Phillips Academy,Amherst College and Andover Theological Seminary in the US, and became the firstJapanese citizen to earn academic degrees from higher education institutions inthe West. Upon founding Doshisha, Neesima presented ‘internationalism’ as one ofits fundamental educational ideals, advocating the importance of ‘viewing andlearning from the world’. With Neesima’s spirit still very much alive throughthe campus, Doshisha supports young adventurers who have a keen desire to see,feel and experience the world by offering rich and diverse overseas learningprograms.


Inter-University Agreement


Doshisha University has concluded a student exchange agreement with 138universities in 34 countries and regions (as of Aug 31, 2015). The agreementinvolves Doshisha sending its students to overseas partner universities for aperiod of six months or one year during their time at university. Currently morethan 200 students can enroll in the program. Most students, regardless of thefaculty or graduate school they are enrolled in, are able to apply for theprogram, and the period of studying abroad counts as part of the requirement forgraduation. Applicants are selected through a comprehensive evaluation of theiracademic achievement, language proficiency and application document as well astheir performance in an interview conducted by the faculty or graduate school.Students with sufficient language ability can take specialized subjects at apartner university in the same manner as local students, and those who wish toenhance their language proficiency can take short- or medium-term intensiveprograms.


Agreements between Faculties and between Graduate Schools

Some faculties and graduate schools of Doshisha University have separatelyconcluded a student exchange agreement with those of foreign universities.



Study Abroad Programs for Language Learning


Summer and Spring Programs

Students can attend intensive language programs in the institutions ofEnglish-speaking countries (or countries where other language are spoken) duringa summer or spring vacation. Participating students can enhance their foreignlanguage proficiency through a preliminary language training program conductedat Doshisha University and an intensive language program at an overseasinstitution. These programs also help students deepen their understanding oftheir chosen country’s culture and society, as well as develop theirinternational awareness and perspective.



Semester Program

The Semester Program offers English training at an overseas university forabout four months during the Fall Semester. Participating students can deepentheir understanding of the culture, society and history of the country they willvisit in the preliminary program conducted at Doshisha University during thespring semester. A well-designed intensive English training program is offeredat an educational institution acknowledged for its foreign language education inan overseas country. In addition, staying in a homestay will help studentsdevelop a comprehensive English language ability in everyday situations. This isa popular program for those who wish to take time to learn English and for thosewho wish to participate in a long-term study abroad program.



Other Study Abroad Programs

Studying at Amherst College

There are two scholarships for students wishing to study at AmherstCollege.

The Neesima Scholarship was established by Amherst College in 1954 tocommemorate Joseph Neesima who graduated from the college in 1870. Twenty-eightDoshisha students have been selected for this scholarship. The Doshisha NeesimaScholarship was launched by The Doshisha in 1984 with the Neesima Fund,established using a part of the donation collected for the project cerebrating100 years of the founding of Doshisha. The recruitment of students for theNeesima Scholarship and the Doshisha Neesima Scholarship takes place alternatelyevery other year. In effect, one student is sent from Doshisha to AmherstCollege each year.




Neesima奖学金由阿默斯特学院于1954年设立,当时是为了纪念Joseph Neesima,后者1870年从阿默斯特学院毕业。已有28名学生享受这项奖学金。 同志社Neesima 奖学金由同志大学于1984年启动,由 Neesima基金会提供资金;同志社 Neesima 奖学金的设立使用了学校100周年校庆的部分捐款。Neesima奖学金和同志社Neesima奖学金隔年交替向学生发放。事实上,同志大学每年有一名学生被派送到阿默斯特学院学习

Preparation for Study Abroad


Subjects of the Associated Kyoto Program

Subjects of the Associated Kyoto Program (AKP) conducted at the ImadegawaCampus are also offered to Japanese students, providing them with an opportunityto study with international students.

Subjects of the Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation

Subjects of the Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation conducted atthe Imadegawa Campus are also offered to Japanese students, providing them withan opportunity to study with international students.

Subjects of the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies

Subjects of the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS) conducted atthe Imadegawa Campus are also offered to Japanese students, providing them withan opportunity to study with international students.







AKP subjects, Stanford University subjects and KCJS subjects forinternational students studying at the AKP Doshisha International Students’Center, Stanford Japan Center and the KCJS at Doshisha University, respectively,are also offered to Japanese students. They can study in English together withinternational students and earn the university’s regular credits upon successfulcompletion. Although there are specific selection criteria for registration anda requirement that the same kinds of assignments be completed as internationalstudents, participating in such programs will provide invaluable on-campus studyabroad experience, as well as an opportunity to meet and deepen friendships withstudents from overseas.


TOEFL-ITP (Institutional Testing Program)

TOEFL-ITP is a practice test program for groups of students conductedwithin Doshisha University.

TOEFL Preparatory Course

TOEFL Preparatory Course is conducted twice a year during the spring andautumn semesters. The course is designed to help beginner students obtain aTOEFL-ITP score of between 500 and 550.





Student Exchange Program

Doshisha University welcomes exchange students from partner universitiesaround the world.

Exchange students from overseas partner universities studying at Doshisha’sCenter for Japanese Language and Culture are known as ‘Nichibun-sei’.Nichibun-sei can take any of the subjects offered by the Center and, along withregular students, have access to all campus facilities. Students with asufficient level of Japanese proficiency can also take regular subjects at theundergraduate and graduate level alongside the Japanese language and culturecourses offered at the Center. Language proficiency will be determined by a testfollowing admission.




Short-term Program

Summer Session is a two-week intensive program which exposes internationalstudents to the Japanese language and culture, specifically the culture ofKyoto.

The Center for Japanese Language and Culture offers a Summer Session (anintensive Japanese language and culture program) to meet the needs ofinternational students who wish to participate in a short-term study program inJapan. This intensive two-week program is designed to help students acquireJapanese language skills and an understanding of the life and culture of Kyotoand Japan. The center also provides a spring session, as well as customizedshort-term programs developed by or run jointly with overseas partneruniversities, such as the summer program of the University of New Orleans.









