南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),为国际科技大学联盟(Global Alliance ofTechnologicalUniversities,简称G7联盟)发起成员、AACSB认证成员、国际事务专业学院协会(APSIA)成员,是新加坡一所科研密集型大学,在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究享有世界盛名,为工科和商科并重的综合性大学。下面我爱学习网小编为你介绍南洋理工大学住宿申请流程。
NTU New Students - Application
Step 1 - Introduction
Applications from local & international students are made online afteryour online acceptance of admission to NTU. Students who are offered admissionafter the closing date will be given a hardcopy application form in theirAdmission package.
New students are guaranteed housing for their 1st two years at NTU whenthey apply by the closing dates for hall applications and are randomly assigneda room in a hall.
Students assured of housing under the following programmes, (CNYang ScholarProgramme, LKCMedicine MBBS Programme and University Scholar Programme) will beassigned to either Crescent Hall or Pioneer Hall. You must apply to beassigned.
Students under the Renaissance Engineering Programme will be assigned tothe North Hill halls - Binjai, Tanjong, Banyan. You must apply to beassigned.
Specifying a Roommate
You may specify any new student (NTU/NIE) OR senior student who is yoursibling (of the same gender) as your roommate - if your sibling who is a seniorstudent is successful you will be assigned to the same room. Your prospectiveroommate must also submit an application, naming you as a roommate.
New students may indicate their preference for either a single or doubleroom (twin-sharing), air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned room. Assignments topreferred room types are subject to availability from the rooms set aside fornew students in each hall. You will be assigned to another room type if yourpreferred room type is unavailable.
Do familiarise yourself with the information provided on this websitebefore you submit an application.
Step 2 - Submit your Application
A non-refundable application fee of $16.05 (inclusive of GST) will becollected through the student E-Hostel Bill. The application fee is not due andwill not be collected at the point of application.
Do gather these items before you begin — your matriculation no. — yourroommate's full name & matric no. or NRIC/Passport no. if applicable — ameans to make a note of your application reference number.
Submit an
非退还申请费用为16.05美元含增值税 会通过学生的电子住宿账号收取。申请提交时不会收取申请费用。
Step 3 - Assignment Results
You will be sent an email on 18 Jul 17 (after 3pm), informing you of yourhall assignment and providing you with instructions on how to accept the offerof housing. Specific rooms are not preassigned and will only be made known whenyou collect your keys.
If you do not receive an email by 21 Jul 17, please return to this page tocheck the result of your application. Please also send an email tohas-ug@ntu.edu.sg, identifying yourself as an NTU New Student and informing usthat you have not received your hall assignment email. Do include your fullname, NRIC/Passport no., Matriculation no. and your application reference no..Alternatively, please contact any of the Admin Offices.