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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:专一的大侠


International Student Admissions

There are several possibilities for studying at the University of Freiburgas an international student:

Full-time studies, meaning that you complete an entire course of study atthe University of Freiburg and earn a degree (Bachelor, Master, Dr./PhD).

Short-term studies, meaning that you study for one or two semesters as anexchange student at the University of Freiburg.





一、Full-Time Studies


(1)Higher Education Entrance Qualification

International applicants to undergraduate degree programs (bachelor orstate examination) at universities in Germany need to provide evidence that theypossess the necessary qualification for higher education entrance just likeGerman applicants. In Germany this qualification is called the “Abitur.” Asecondary school leaving certificate earned in a European Union member state isgenerally accepted as higher education entrance qualification in Germany.

There are three different types of higher education entrance qualificationin Germany. Which one you have depends on what kind of secondary school leavingcertificate you earned:

a.Direct general higher education entrance qualification: Internationalapplicants whose secondary school leaving certificate is equivalent to theGerman Abitur may apply directly for admission to a full degree program inGermany. As a rule, this is also true of applicants who have already earned aninitial degree (e.g., bachelor) from an accredited higher education institutionabroad.

b.Direct field-restricted higher education entrance qualification: As arule, international applicants with a recognized secondary school leavingcertificate that is restricted to specific fields of study or vocational areasmay only select fields of study from those areas (e.g., only humanities or onlynatural sciences). They may apply directly for admission to a degree program inany of these fields of study.

c.Indirect higher education entrance qualification: Internationalapplicants whose school leaving certificate is not equivalent to the GermanAbitur may still be eligible for higher education entrance in Germany if theyfulfill one of the two following preconditions:

In addition to your school leaving certificate, you provide evidence ofhaving attended an accredited higher education institution abroad. The necessarylength of your studies abroad depends on what kind of school leaving certificateyou have.

In addition to your school leaving certificate, you take a one-yearpreparatory course at a Studienkolleg in Germany and pass the assessmentexamination.

Both of these paths lead to field-restricted higher education entrancequalification in Germany. The fields of study you are then qualified to enrollin depend on your field of study abroad or your main subject at theStudienkolleg.

The basis for evaluating international school leaving certificates anddegrees in Germany is the database of the Standing Conference of the StateMinisters of Education and Cultural Affairs (Anabin), which is administered bythe Central Office for Foreign Education Systems (Zentralstelle fürausländisches Bildungswesen - ZAB) International applicants can check forthemselves on this database whether their school leaving certificate or degreeearned abroad qualifies them for higher education entrance in Germany.

The International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma) is accepted. The conditionsare listed in the Agreement on the Acceptance of the International BaccalaureateDiploma,passed by the Standing Conference of State Ministers of Education andCultural Affairs.

Please note that we cannot evaluate your school leaving certificate ordegree until you have submitted your application to the University of Freiburgwith all of the necessary supporting documents. It is not possible to have youreducational records evaluated before applying.













(2)Language Skills

You will need solid German language skills for a successful course of studyin a bachelor’s or state examination program. The language of instruction in allof these degree programs is German – apart from the Bachelor of Liberal Arts andSciences.Some master’s programs have other language requirements.

To enroll in an undergraduate degree program (bachelor or stateexamination) at the University of Freiburg, you will need to document yourGerman language skills by submitting one of the following certificates, eitherwith your application or when you matriculate:

a.Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang – DSH (German LanguageTest for International Applicants at German Institutions of Higher Education)with a proficiency level of DSH 2 or 3. This test is held twice a year at theLanguage Teaching Centre of the University of Freiburg, usually at the end ofSeptember and the end of March, and includes a written and an oral part.

b.Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache - TestDaF (Test of German as a ForeignLanguage) with a proficiency level of 4 or 5 (TDN 4 or 5) on all four parts. Youcan take this test at any of numerous test centers throughout the world severaltimes a year.

c.Goethe Certificate C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Large GermanLanguage Diploma)

d.Deutsches Sprachdiplom (German Language Diploma) of the Conference of theState Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs – level II (DSD II)

e.telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule

f.German Abitur or German as a native language

If you do not yet have one of these qualifications, you must have at leasttaken a language course at level C1 of the Common European Framework ofReference for Languages by the time you apply (by 15 Jan./15 July). Pleasedocument this by submitting one of the following certificates with yourapplication:

a.a passing grade in a C1-level language course

b.participation in a C1-level language course

c.evidence of proficiency level DSH 1

d.TestDaF at proficiency level 3 (TDN 3)

e.Goethe Certificate C1




a.德国高等教育机构国际申请人德语语言考试(DSH)。水平在DSH 2 或 DSH3。该考试一年举行两次。考试地点是弗赖堡大学的语言教学中心。考试时间一般在9月末和3月末。考试包括笔试和口试;


c.C2歌德 级证书:大型德语语言文凭;

d.德语语言文凭(DSD II);

e.telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule





c.DSH 1级能力证明;



Please note: Submitting a certificate from the TestDaF or the DSH test oranother equivalent language certificate (see above) with your application willincrease your chances of being admitted to studies!

If you do not receive a certificate from your language course confirmingyour reference level on the Common European Framework or if you do not have anylanguage certificates that clearly validate your proficiency level, you willhave to take a placement test. If you are already in Freiburg, you can take itat the"Sprachenkolleg" or the Goethe-Institut. If you are still abroad, you cantake it at a Goethe-Institute,or one of the TestDaF Centers.

Please note: We only accept language certificates issued in accordance withtheCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages.If you have completedlevel C1 of the Common European Framework and have been admitted to a course ofstudy, you can take a two-week intensive course at theLanguage Teaching Centre(in March or September) to prepare for the DSH. The DSH is held before the startof each winter and summer semester. If you do not achieve a score of DSH 2 orDSH 3 on the DHS, you cannot matriculate for a degree program at the Universityof Freiburg.In this case, we recommend that you take another language course,e.g., at theLanguage Teaching Centre, the "Sprachenkolleg", or the GoetheInstitute Freiburg.

Important notice on DSH exams:

The DSH exams are designed according to the Framework Regulations for theDSH Exam, which became effective at the end of 2004.

The DSH framework regulations were revised in 2012. Several universitiesare currently re-registering their exams for approval under the new regulations.As this process is not yet completed, we recommend that all applicants inquirewith International Admissions and Services before submitting their applicationor registration for an exam at the University of Freiburg to determine whetherthe DSH exam they took will be recognized.







(3)Admissions Restrictions and Entrance Examinations

These fields of study hold entrance examinations that are also mandatoryfor applicants from non-EU member states:

Ancient Civilization Studies (Bachelor of Arts – major field)

Applied Political Science (Bachelor of Arts – major field)

English (State Teaching Examination – major and supplementary field)

English and American Studies (Bachelor of Arts - major field)

English and American Studies (Bachelor of Arts – major field)

Interdisciplinary Foundations of Political Science (Bachelor of Arts –minor field)

Classical Philology (Bachelor of Arts – major field)

Classical Philology (Bachelor of Arts – minor field)

Nursing Sciences (Bachelor of Science – major field)

Romance Studies (Bachelor of Arts – major field)

Note that in some cases you have to register for the test and will not besent a special invitation reminding you to do so.

In the following fields, you will receive information on applying directlyfrom the department:

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Molecular Medicine (Bachelor of Science – major field)

Nursing Sciences (Bachelor of Science – major field)

Regio Chimica (Bachelor of Science – major field)


















Regio Chimica(理科学士——主修)。

(4)Student Orientation Procedures (obligatory for admission to studies)

Please also include confirmation that you have participated in a studentorientation procedure with your application for admission. A student orientationprocedure is a self test that does not have any influence on the success of yourapplication. It provides orientation for prospective students and helps them tofind the right field of study.

For international applicants, we recommend the Test for AcademicStudies.You can also use the University of Freiburg’s Online Study-ChoiceAssistants (OSAs) [de] to find the right field of study for you. The site alsoincludes helpful videos, links, and information on student orientation.





International applicants whose higher education entrance qualification isnot equivalent to the German Abitur must take the “Examination for theAssessment of University Entrance Qualification” (or „Assessment Examination“)for short). You will receive the opportunity to prepare for your course of studyin a one-year preparatory course at theStudienkolleg Studienkolleg inHeidelberg. It is not possible to register directly for admission to theStudienkolleg in Heidelberg. Please apply to the University of Freiburg foradmission to the degree program of your choice by 15 July or 15 Jan.



(6)TestAS – Improve Your Chances of Receiving a Study Space

The University of Freiburg considers TestAS in the selection procedure forapplicants from non-EU countries. All international prospective students whoapply for admission to an undergraduate degree program (bachelor or stateexamination) can improve their chances of receiving a study space at theUniversity of Freiburg by taking TestAS.

TestAS is a standardized test for international applicants that testsimportant cognitive abilities for a course of study at a German university. Itconsists of a core test and a field-specific module. The core test is in Germanand includes four groups of tasks: 1. solving quantitative problems, 2.inferring relationships, 3. completing patterns, 4. continuing sequences ofnumbers. When you register for the test, you must choose one of fourfield-specific modules:

humanities, cultural and social sciences

mathematics, computer science, natural sciences



Advantages for your application at the University of Freiburg:

Investing the time and effort to take TestAS will be regarded as animportant criterion by the selection committee, because it speaks for yourmotivation to study at the University of Freiburg! A good score on the test alsodemonstrates that you have the necessary skills for a course of study inGermany.

The test familiarizes you with the requirements of a course of study inGermany and helps you to better evaluate yourself and your abilities. Inaddition, you receive comprehensive feedback after completing the test and areshown where you stand in comparison to other applicants.

TestAS is also recognized as a student orientation procedure [de] at theUniversity of Freiburg.

Important information:

Taking TestAS is voluntary for prospective students of the University ofFreiburg! You can also decide for yourself whether or not you wish your score tobe submitted to the University of Freiburg.

We do not recommend that you participate in a language screening (onDaF,online placement test for German as a foreign language) if you are only applyingfor a study space at the University of Freiburg with TestAS.

The test does not take the place of other prerequisites for admission tostudies at the University of Freiburg, such as language certificates or highereducation entrance qualification.

Applicants to master’s programs, short-term studies (free movers, exchangestudents), and doctoral programs do not need to take TestAS.

(6)TestAS ——提高被录取的几率







c.TestAS 考试被认可为弗赖堡大学的迎新手续之一。


a.弗赖堡大学的TestAS 考试是自愿的,未来学生可以选择性地参加。你也可以自己决定是否将考试成绩提交给弗莱堡大学;


c.TestAS 考试不能代替弗赖堡大学的其他入学要求,比如语言证明和高等教育入学证书;

d.申请硕士课程、短期学习(自由移动生、交换生)和博士课程的学生不需要参加TestAS 考试

(7)Transferring Credits from Abroad

If you have already studied at a university abroad, you can request to haveany credits you earned there transferred to the University of Freiburg.Foreign-earned credits can be transferred on the following conditions:

The credits must have been earned within the context of a degree program atan accredited higher education institution abroad.

The credits must have been earned in the same or a related field of studyand must be part of the curriculum of your new course of study at the Universityof Freiburg.

The credits may not be a prerequisite for higher education entrance inGermany

Credit transfers are evaluated and approved by the department orexamination office responsible for your degree program. For more information,please contact a departmental student advisor for your field of study. Specialstate examination offices are responsible for approving the transfer offoreign-earned credits in the fields Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy.

Once your foreign-earned credits have been officially approved, you mayapply for admission to a higher study semester in your degree program ratherthan as a beginning student.

Allocation of Study Spaces

In many fields of study the number of applications is greater than thenumber of available spaces. Such fields have restrictive admissions (numerusclausus). In fields of study with restrictive admissions, study spaces for(non-EU) international applicants are allocated according to a quota (8% in allfields of study with admissions restrictions and 5% in the fields Medicine,Dentistry, and Pharmacy).

Please note that only a limited amount of applications are accepted infields with restrictive admissions. As an applicant from a country outside ofthe EU, you may apply for admission to a maximum of one field with restrictiveadmissions. Any further fields you apply for admission to must have freeadmissions.











二、Short-Term Studies (Free Movers)


As a free mover you organize your study abroad on your own, withoutparticipating in an exchange program. The prerequisite for short-term admissionis evidence of adequate German-language skills and several semesters of priorstudy in the same field at your home university. It is not possible to earn adegree within the context of short-term studies (as a free mover). If you wouldlike to earn a degree at the University of Freiburg, you must apply forfull-time studies. As a free mover, you generally remain enrolled as a studentat your home university for the duration of your studies at the University ofFreiburg and continue your course of study there upon your return.

If you would like to come to the University of Freiburg as a free mover, itis wise to apply by the general application deadlines on 15 July or 15 Januaryin order to have enough time to organize your stay (visa, flight, room, etc.).Please send your application to the International Admissions and ServicesDepartment (IAS) at the Student Service Center.

In the following fields of study it is not possible to apply for admissionto short-term studies as a free mover:

Applied Political Science (Bachelor of Arts)

Medicine (State Examination)

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Molecular Medicine (Bachelor of Science)

Regio Chimica (Bachelor of Science)

Pharmacy (State Examination)

Psychology (Bachelor of Science)

Dentistry (State Examination)

In the following fields of study you need express written permission fromthe department to apply for admission to short-term studies as a free mover:

Law (State Examination)

All master’s programs (Master of Arts and Master of Science)








Regio Chimica (理科学士);






(1)Matriculation at Your Home University

In order to receive admission for short-term studies at the University ofFreiburg without the possibility to earn a formal degree, you must have alreadystudied for several semesters at your home university and still be enrolledthere (you’ll need to present a certificate of enrollment as evidence). Inaddition, the field of study you enroll in at the University of Freiburg must berelated to your field of study at your home university.

(2)German Language Skills

The language of instruction at the University of Freiburg is German, withthe exception of a few master’s and postgraduate programs and the Bachelor ofLiberal Arts and Sciences, which are held in English or French. It is thus veryimportant to acquire good skills in German before leaving your home country.Please submit certificates demonstrating your German language skills. Yourskills in the German language should correspond to reference level B2. As anapplicant for short-term studies, you do not need to take the DSH languageexamination.

(3)Higher Education Entrance Qualification

International students who wish to apply for admission to a university inGermany need to provide evidence that they possess the necessary qualificationfor higher education entrance just like German applicants. If you possess asecondary school leaving certificate from your native country that is regardedas equivalent to the German Abitur, you can receive admission to the universitydirectly. If you have already studied for two or more semesters in your nativecountry, you can generally also be admitted directly to a degree program at theUniversity of Freiburg. The decision as to whether foreign-earned highereducation entrance qualification is fully equivalent or only partiallyequivalent to the German Abitur is made on the basis of recommendations from theministers of education and cultural affairs of the German states (Central Officefor Foreign Education Systems).

(4)Transferring Credits

If you enroll as a short-term student at the University of Freiburg, youwill be allowed to take most of the courses and examinations in your field ofstudy, but you cannot earn a degree. Please check early on to make sure thecredits you earn at the University of Freiburg will be honored at your homeuniversity upon your return.




弗赖堡大学的教学语言是德语,只有少数硕士课程、研究生课程、人文艺术和科学学士课程另外,这些课程用英语或法语授课。因此,在出国之前,很有必要掌握良好的德语技能。请提交证书,证明你具备德语语言技能。你的德语语言技能需要和欧洲共同语言参照框架的B2级同等。作为短期学习申请人,你不需要参加 DSH 语言考试












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