新加坡管理发展学院(Management Development Institute of Singapore)是新加坡的知名大学,2017年在本国排名第13位。绿色MDIS是MDIS的一项环保举措。无论作为个人还是学院,都有责任对环境负责。今天,我爱学习网将为您详细介绍新加坡管理发展学院的新型活动──“绿色MDIS”.
Green MDIS is part of MDIS' efforts to be responsible to theenvironment.
Green MDIS aims to promote greater environmental awareness and positiveactions for the environment through offering tips on how to make a differenceboth on and away from the MDIS Campus. We aim to make practical attempts tominimise the damage to our beautiful planet.
Green MDIS also explores and taps on initiatives and incentive schemes thatspin off from the National Environment Agency, the Ministry of Environment andthe Building and Construction Authority.
Green MDIS Campaigns On-Campus绿色MDIS校园宣传活动
Green MDIS has initiated a number of awareness campaigns on campus withstaff and students. During the inaugural campaign organised in 2009, thefollowing initiatives were implemented around MDIS Campus and at MDIS DhobyGhaut:
1. Recycle bins were placed strategically around thecampus to promote recycling.
2. Posters were placed in many locations around the campusincluding the classrooms and restrooms to create awareness of environmentallysustainable practices.
大幅海报在包括教室和洗手间的许多醒目地点张贴,来提高大家的环保意识。Green MDIS
3. lanyards were distributed to staff to remind them totake the lead in spearheading the actions for the environment.
4.The Green MDIS logo and the message "Let's go green...think before you print" were included in all emails to create awareness not onlywithin the Institute, but also to spread the message to MDIS affiliates andassociates.
我们在所有MDIS电子邮件的签名中都附上绿色MDIS标识和 “让我们支持环保...想想,然后再打印”的信息,藉此方式不仅在学院内部更广泛地宣传环保理念,也同时把该信息传递给MDIS的相关合作伙伴。
5.Tips on saving the environment were sent regularly toall students.