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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:粗犷的哑铃


Undergraduate Scholarships


1.Aston Villa Scholarship

Aston University is proud to be the Official UK University Partner of AstonVilla Football Club from the 2016/17 season.

Located a mile and a half from the University, Aston Villa is one of theoldest football clubs in the history of English football and an internationallyrecognised brand.

Under the partnership the University is supporting the Aston VillaFoundation Social Enterprise Academy initiative, providing business skillseducation to students from schools in the local community, leading to the awardof accredited qualifications.

We will also be offering an Aston Villa Scholarship for international(non-EU) students applying for undergraduate or one-yearpostgraduate taughtprogrammes* beginning in September 2017.

*Excludes MBA, Medicine and OSPAP


2016/17 学年起,阿斯顿大学正式成为阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部的英国大学合作伙伴。





Club-related experiences

Aston Villa Scholars will be entitled to a 5% discount on tuition fees andaccess to club-related experiences, including:

Networking events at Villa Park

Exclusive signing sessions

Brand ambassador opportunities for Aston University

Opportunities to feature in content shared on Aston Villa’s digitalchannels.

Registrations of interest must be received by midnight (UK time) on Monday24th April 2017. If you are eligible for the scholarship you will then be sentfurther details as to how to apply. A registration of interest is not anapplication for the Aston Villa Scholarship. Scholarship applications must bereceived by midnight (UK time) on Friday 28th April 2017.








2.Aston Aspires scholarship


We encourage, incentivise and reward excellence with scholarships to thevalue of £1,750 for the very best students with the Aston ExcellenceScholarship.

Aston supports and encourages students who come from households with afamily income of less than £18,000 so that Aston can be a place where everyoneexcels regardless of their background. The Aston Aspire Scholarship offers adiscount of £1,250 in the placement year for students who meet household incomecriteria.

Placement years are an integral part of the Aston Experience. To ensurethat all students have an opportunity to undertake the placement that willbenefit them the most, we offer an Aston Placement Scholarship. The award isavailable to students who qualify for the Excellence or Aspire Scholarships, orwho take an unpaid or international placement.

阿斯顿大学鼓励优秀,激励优秀,并为最优秀的学生提供数额为1,750 英镑的阿斯顿大学优秀奖学金

阿斯顿大学支持和鼓励家庭收入在18,000英镑以下的学生,以便让阿斯顿成为人人(无论家境)都能实现超越的地方。阿斯顿大学的立志奖学金为符合家庭收入标准的学生提供1,250 英镑的实习年学费打折。


If your family’s household income is £18,000 or less, or if you're a careleaver, you’re entitled to an Aston Aspires scholarship.

Scholarships based on household income can be used towards your tuitionfees or to support living costs, such as campus accommodation. In the placementyear they can be taken as tuition fee discounts or to support living costs.

如果你的家庭收入在18,000 英镑以下,并且你是护理毕业生,你可以享受阿斯顿大学立志奖学金



*Please note that placement year scholarships apply once only. For example,The Aston Excellence Scholarship and some of our income-based scholarshipsinclude a £1,250 placement scholarship. If you are eligible for both thesescholarship schemes, you will only get the placement scholarship once. The Astonplacement year fee is £1,250.

请注意,实习年奖学金只一次性适用。例如,阿斯顿大学优秀奖学金和某些基于收入的奖学金包括 1,250英镑的实习奖学金。如果你都符合这些奖学金的资格,你将只能得到一次的实习奖学金阿斯顿大学实习年学费是1,250英镑。

3.Aston Placement Scholarship

阿斯顿大学实习奖学金——1,250 英镑

£1,250 Aston Placement Scholarship: A placement year or a study year abroadis integrated into many of Aston’s degrees. The fee for this year is heavilyreduced at £1,250 with loans available from the UK Government. Living cost loansare also available for UK students. Most placement students are paid a salary bytheir employer, but the Aston Placement Scholarship can be taken to supportliving expenses for UK & EU students.

To be eligible:

· Your household income is £18,000 or below and you are eligible for theAston Aspire Scholarship

· You achieve A Level grades at AAB+ (or equivalent) - making you eligiblefor the Aston Excellence Scholarship

· You take an unpaid placement year or you take a study or work placementabroad

Your placement year scholarships can be applied once only. For example, TheAston Excellence Scholarship and some of our income-based scholarships include a£1,250 placement scholarship. If you are eligible for both these scholarshipschemes, you will only get the placement scholarship once.

When will know if I have the Scholarship?

We will let you know at the start of your placement year or once yourplacement details have been finalised.



(1)家庭收入在18,000 英镑或以下,并且符合阿斯顿大学立志奖学金资格;

(2) A Level 成绩达到AAB+ 或同等水平,并且符合阿斯顿大学优秀奖学金资格;




Postgraduate Taught Scholarships


1.Aston Excellence - £3,500-£5,000

Frequently Asked Questions



How do I apply for the Aston Excellence Scholarship?

Once we have made you an academic offer, and provided you meet oureligibility requirements, we will email you within one week with a link to anapplication page. We request a short statement from you explaining why you thinkyou should be awarded an Aston Excellence Scholarship.



How do I apply for the Aston Merit Scholarship?

No separate application is required for the Aston Merit Scholarship. Wewill automatically assess your final degree grade once this has been provided tous. If this is at least equivalent to a UK 2.i (upper second class) degree, andprovided you meet our eligibility requirements (see Terms and Conditions) wewill adjust your tuition fees. The Aston Merit Scholarship is worth £2,000 foreligible awardees.



I was not awarded an Aston Merit Scholarship, but I was eligible and thinkmy degree is equivalent to a UK 2.i (upper second class). What do I do?

Check our Equivalencies page to ensure your degree award meets ourrequirements. Please also ensure you are eligible for the award by reading ourfull Terms and Conditions.



My country does not appear on the list of eligible nations. What can Ido?

Aston University has limited funding available for internationalpostgraduate applicants. Whilst we have tried to allocate funding to countriesbased on demand and need, we recognise this will not satisfy all applicants.Therefore, we may make discretionary Excellence Scholarship offers toexceptionally talented offer holders from a wider range of territories thanthose listed on our Scholarships web pages. Note, however, that contacting AstonUniversity will not increase your chances of receiving an offer of aScholarship.



What should I write in my Aston Excellence Scholarship statement?

Your application will be reviewed by academic members of staff from therelevant School to which you are applying. Academics will expect to read aboutyour motivation for studying the particular course at Aston University, as wellas what makes you suitable for this award. Tell us about yourself, includingprior achievements and examples of academic successes, and also demonstrateknowledge of our programme(s). We advise strongly that you do not re-use youracademic application statement for the Scholarship application.




I am applying for two courses at Aston University. Can I submit twoapplication statements?

No. All applicants can submit only one application statement, regardless ofthe number of academic applications they have submitted for that particular yearof entry.



When is the deadline for applying?

The deadline for submission of an Aston Excellence Scholarship applicationis 30 April 2017.

Applications must have been received by midnight (UK time) in order to bereviewed. There may be a subsequent round for scholarship applications but thisis subject to funding availability and is not guaranteed, so please apply before30 April 2017 to avoid disappointment. Unsuccessful applications will not beconsidered for future round(s) should they be available.





I have applied in time for the Aston Excellence Scholarship. When will Ihear the outcome?

We aim to notify all applicants within six weeks of the applicationdeadline date, regardless of whether they are successful or unsuccessful. YourMAP record will automatically update, and we will send an email asking you tocheck MAP.



I need to know the outcome of my Aston Excellence Scholarship applicationsooner, and cannot wait up to six weeks. Who do I contact to find out?

It is not possible to find out sooner. Emails requesting updates on theoutcome of an application will not be responded to.



I applied for the Aston Excellence Scholarship the day after one of thedeadlines. When will I hear from you?

To be guaranteed consideration by academic review panel, an applicationmust have been received before 30 April 2017 (midnight – UK time).



I would like to change the statement I submitted for the Aston ExcellenceScholarship.

This is not possible. No changes can be made once the statement issubmitted, so we recommend you write the statement in another programme, ensureyou are happy with it, and then copy + paste into MAP before submitting.



Whilst completing my Aston Excellence Scholarship statement in MAP, therewas a technical fault. I am unable to submit another new statement and it doesnot appear my statement has saved. What do I do?

Please contact our technical support team at mapstaffsupport@aston.ac.uk.Note that it is not possible to request that you replace your statement with anew version. Our support team will only allow students who have no savedstatement to attempt this again.



I would like to speak to someone before submitting my ScholarshipApplication as I feel I have extra supporting information that will help me.

This is not possible. We will make our decisions based on your supportingstatement, plus your previous achieved grades and future predicted grades (whererelevant). Canvassing Aston staff members in advance of submitting anapplication is not encouraged.



How are the Scholarship winners selected?

Selection is by a panel of academics within your specialist subject area orSchool of Study. The academics’ decisions are final, and these are made bycarefully comparing applicants’ strengths.



My application for an Aston Excellence Scholarship was successful. I amalso eligible for an Aston Merit Scholarship. Does this mean I get both?

No. We will award only the highest Scholarship amount of these two awards.In this case, it would be £5,000.



I completed my Undergraduate degree at Aston. Can I be awarded anExcellence or Merit Scholarship, as well as the 20% alumni discount on tuitionfees?

No. If you are successful, we will award the greatest amount of any singleScholarship or discount provided by Aston University.



How are awards made? Can I request this as cash?

Awards are made as tuition fee discounts only. This will be shown in thefinal offer letter and CAS letter used to apply for a visa (if applicable).



My application for the Aston Excellence Scholarship was unsuccessful. Whatnow?

We encourage our Scholarship applicants to seek other sources of financialsupport from outside of Aston University, in case their applications are notsuccessful.



I think I should have been awarded a Scholarship, but I was not. Can Iappeal?

Appeals can only be made by candidates who believe a procedural erroroccurred. The decisions of the academic selection panels are final, and we areunable to discuss winning candidates’ applications for data protection (legal)reasons. Aston University operates a fair and transparent selection policy, andwe have outlined our processes and conditions in our Terms and Conditions.



All or part of my tuition fees are being paid by a sponsor. Does this makeme ineligible for the Aston Excellence Scholarship?

Sponsored students are not eligible for the Aston Excellence or MeritScholarships. Sponsors include governments, private companies, and otherUniversities. Family members who provide financial backing to students are notconsidered sponsors for tuition fee purposes.



I need the Aston Excellence Scholarship in order to secure a visa. I won’thave enough money to pay fees, otherwise. Will this be taken intoconsideration?

We very strongly advise that no student relies on receiving the ExcellenceScholarship in order to meet the cost of their tuition fees. Scholarships areawarded for reasons of academic merit, not financial circumstance, and we expectcompetition to be strong.



What if I am awarded an Excellence Scholarship but fail to complete mycourse?

Please read our Terms and Conditions very carefully. We expect allScholarship winners who enrol at Aston University to complete their course. Wewill ask for the Scholarship amount to be repaid to us if a student fails tocomplete their course.



I have received an academic course offer from Aston University but have notbeen asked to complete an application for the Excellence Scholarship. I am anational of a country eligible for the Excellence Scholarship and normally livein that country. Why have I not yet received a link to allow me to apply?

This may be because your academic offer has been made very recently. Theremay be a delay of up to one week before an invitation to complete and ExcellenceScholarship application is sent to you. Please ensure you wait this time beforequerying with us, and please also ensure you check your junk mail folder.

Note that applicants must be both a national of, and permanently domiciledin, a country qualifying for an Excellence Scholarship. If you are permanentlydomiciled (i.e. living) in a country which is not eligible for an ExcellenceScholarship, you will not be able to complete an application.




I have been awarded a Scholarship. What happens once I arrive at AstonUniversity?

Winners of the Aston Excellence Scholarship will be invited to acelebratory event where you will have the opportunity to meet other successfulapplicants as well as senior academic staff members. This in an opportunity forAston University to recognise your hard work, and it will not happen until afteryou have settled into your studies at Aston.



2.Partner Awards

Students studying at Aston University partner institutions are eligible fora 10% discount on tuition fees.

Aston University offers graduates and staff from one of our current partnerinstitutions a discount of 10% against current tuition fees for our postgraduatetaught programmes. The discount applies to any student who has graduated from acurrent partner university within the last five years or a current member ofstaff with a minimum of three year’s service.




Terms and conditions apply.

10% discount off full fees (EU and International) for any student who hasgraduated from a partner university within the last five years or a currentmember of staff from a partner university with a minimum of three year’sservice. A management letter of introduction confirming the applicant is a staffmember at the institution will be required prior to or at enrolment.

The discount applies on direct applications only and not via our globalagent network.

The discount is applied against the applicant personal fee status and notthe location of the institution they graduated from.

The discount applies to students enrolling onto our Full-time PostgraduateTaught programmes only.

This cannot be used in conjunction with another scholarship

The following programmes are excluded:

Joint MA in Multilevel Governance & International Relations

Double MA in Europe & the World

Double MA in Governance and International Politics

English Language Pre-sessional programmes












3.Alumni Bursary

Aston Alumni qualify for an automatic 20% discount on tuition fees.

Cost shouldn't limit your career aspirations, which is why we offer allAston grads a 20% reduction in MSc course fees, whatever their discipline. Withan Aston masters, you can:

Progress in your chosen career

Focus in on a specific discipline

Get professional accreditation

In addition, each year we aim to offer scholarships to encourageapplications from the most talented individuals.

No forms required.The discount is automatically applied to your coursefees.






4.Languages and Social Sciences Excellence Bursary

Available for all Aston LSS graduates who hold a First Class Astonundergraduate degree, the LSS Excellence Bursary provides an additional: 5%discount on your Masters Tuition Fees which complements the existing 20% AstonGraduate Discount.

In total, the LSS Excellence Bursary and the Aston Graduate Discount amountto 25% off your Masters Tuition Fees reflecting our commitment to support thetop undergraduate students in the School of Languages and Social Sciences.




Postgraduate Research Scholarships

We have many studentships and funded research opportunities available,including a scheme to launch 50 Prize Fellowships and Prize Studentships incelebration of our 50th year.



50th Anniversary Prize Researchers

Aston celebrated its 50th anniversary as a University in 2016. As part ofour celebrations and to build on our strong performance in REF 2014, theUniversity launched a Prize Fellowships and Prize Studentships scheme to create50 Prize Researchers for our 50th year, investing in our exciting and dynamicresearch future through our next generation of research leaders - Aston’s‘Research Pioneers’.

To continue with the success of the scheme, Aston University has agreed tofund further Prize Studentships and Fellowships, with the addition of a newPrize, the Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship.




Fellowships and studentships

The scheme was originally launched to fund 10 Fellowships and 40Studentships over four years, on a shared cost basis, with 50% of the fundingcoming from the University or School, and 50% coming from external sources. In2017 this scheme has been extended to fund an additional 40 studentshipstogether with 10 Vice-Chancellor’s International scholarships.



(1)Prize fellowships

Prize Fellowships will provide two years’ funding for a Research Fellow,with academic excellence being the primary criterion. The Fellowships may startin any of the academic years 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19, and should allcomplete by 2020-21. Following successful completion of a Fellowship, there isan expectation that the post will be converted to non-fixed term academic post,which will be managed in the same way as other new lecturer posts in theSchools. This means that future School funding needs to be agreed with therelevant Executive Dean before applying. Fellowships will be funded through a50% match from the University, with the remaining 50% being provided byindustry, a donation, or a competitively won grant.



(2)Prize studentships

Prize Studentships will provide three years’ funding for a PhD student, toenable high-achieving graduates to start doctoral research programmes in ourSchools. Studentships will be allocated pro-rata across our five Schools and areintended to start in 2017. There are two different funding models available:Quarter-funded PhD studentships provide 25% funding to match against 25% fromthe School and 50% from external sources. To support areas where it is notpossible to secure matched funding, 10 half-funded PhD studentships areavailable (with the remainder coming from School funds or external sources).Studentships are costed on the basis of a stipend (at UK Research Councilrates), home/EU fees, a Research Training Grant of up to £500 per annum, and asmall consumables budget. Studentships will be funded at the rate of £59k- £68kin total, dependent on consumable costs. In exceptional cases, where higherconsumables are required, applicants are invited to make a case for additionalsupport to the Prize Scheme Management panel.



(3)Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarships

Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships will provide three years’reduced fee level for exceptional overseas candidates who have already securedsponsorship for the remainder of their studentship costs (for example throughChina Scholarship Council sponsorship). Up to 10 Vice-Chancellor’s InternationalScholarships are available.










伊利诺斯州立大学留学 护理系统管理专业介绍