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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:甜美的奇迹

That France is one of the world's most popular study abroad destinations is surely no great surprise. Read on to find out why so many international students choose to study in France – and what to do next if you want to join them.

France conjures up a distinct set of associations in our collective imagination. From the urbane sophistication and history of its cities, to its legendary food and wine, to the spectacular scenery – think rugged mountains and verdant forests, golden beaches and azure seas, rolling pastures and mighty rivers – everyone has their own idealized conception of France. This is reflected in its status as the world’s most popular tourist destination, according to the United Nations World Tourist Organization.

Perhaps your personal image of France involves its proud intellectual and artistic heritage. This is the nation, after all, which produced thinkers such as René Descartes and Jean-Paul Sartre, authors like Marcel Proust and Albert Camus, filmmakers like Jean-Luc Godard and Jean Renoir, and artists like Claude Monet and Paul Cézanne. On top of these names we can add a whole host of scientists, mathematicians and other researchers, whose names may be slightly less familiar, but whose achievements are no less spectacular.




France’s strong academic and artistic tradition continues in the modern day; there are few countries which invest as much in research and education. Global university rankings reflect this; a total of 39 French universities are included in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017, of which 10 are within the global top 250. The nation’s two leading universities, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris and Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech, both make the world's top 55 at 33rd and joint 53rd respectively, cementing their reputations as two of Europe’s and the world’s leading institutions.

In addition to the 39 French universities featured in the QS World University Rankings, France is also known for its strong contingent of specialized business schools. These are not placed in the overall rankings due to their subject-specific focus, but nonetheless enjoy wide-reaching international reputations. Notable examples include ESCP Europe, ESSEC Business School, HEC Paris and INSEAD.

So is studying in France for you? Well, if you want to attend a high-quality institution at an affordable cost, become fluent in the beautiful and internationally used French language, and generally get to grips with the nation’s famed art de vivre, then the answer could well be "oui".


除了在QS世界大学排名中出现的那39所法国大学之外,法国还以其强大、专业商学院著称。由于这些大学的特定专业领域限制,因此他们都没有进入综合大学排名,但是这些大学却享有广泛的国际声誉。著名的例子包括欧洲高等商学院(是世界上第一所商学院,被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院之一)、埃塞克商学院(高等经济商业学院)、巴黎高等商学院和英士国际商学院 (欧洲工商管理学院)。







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