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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:忧伤的心情

奥克兰大学(University of Auckland )是新西兰的一所顶尖名校,在今年的QS世界大学排名中排在世界第81位。奥克兰大学的前身是奥克兰学院,最早创办于1882年,迄今已有100多年历史。学校的主要院系有商学院、工学院 、 理学院、医学院和文学院。在奖学金方面,奥克兰大学为本科生和研究生提供种类齐全且福利丰厚的奖学金。下面是我爱学习网为大家整理并翻译的2017年奥克兰大学本科奖学金相关信息,欢迎阅读。

Undergraduate international scholarships

A range of government, private and University-funded scholarships are available for international students.



1.University of Auckland International Student Scholarships

The University of Auckland International Student Scholarships were established in 2016.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract new international students of high calibre to enrol in undergraduate and postgraduate taught study of one year or more at the University of Auckland.





How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





Need more information?

For answers to any queries please go to AskAuckland in the first instance. If you still have a question, contact us as soon as possible, at scholarships@auckland.ac.nz. Please indicate the exact name of the scholarship in your email subject line and mark it “Urgent” if your request is being sent within 72 hours of a closing date.

If you have a technical issue of any kind, please clear your browser cache and try again. To escalate an issue to us, please attach a screen shot of the page to your email showing the error message or issue.


如果任何疑问,请先点击 AskAuckland。如果还有疑问,尽快邮件联系学校。请在邮件主题栏中写明奖学金名称,如果咨询时间是在截止日期的72小时内,标注为“紧急”(Urgent)。



Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However we strongly advise that you check the regulations, application forms and any other information that is available, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for any application you might make, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and closing dates.



2.University of Auckland International Scholarships – New Zealand School Leavers

The University of Auckland International Scholarships – New Zealand School-Leavers were established in 2016.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract high calibre international school-leavers in New Zealand to enrol in undergraduate study at the University of Auckland.





How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





Need more information?

For answers to any queries please go to AskAuckland in the first instance. If you still have a question, contact us as soon as possible, at scholarships@auckland.ac.nz. Please indicate the exact name of the scholarship in your email subject line and mark it “Urgent” if your request is being sent within 72 hours of a closing date.

If you have a technical issue of any kind, please clear your browser cache and try again. To escalate an issue to us, please attach a screen shot of the page to your email showing the error message or issue.


如果任何疑问,请先点击 AskAuckland。如果还有疑问,尽快邮件联系学校。请在邮件主题栏中写明奖学金名称,如果咨询时间是在截止日期的72小时内,标注为“紧急”(Urgent)。



Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However we strongly advise that you check the regulations, application forms and any other information that is available, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for any application you might make, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and closing dates.



3.Foundation Pathway High Achiever Awards

The Foundation Pathway High Achiever Awards were established in 2016 by the International Office at the University of Auckland.

The main purpose of the Award is to recognise the high achievers from our Foundation Pathway partners (ACG and Taylors College) who wish to enrol in undergraduate study at the University of Auckland.



预科课程成绩优秀奖的主要目的是奖励来自奥克兰预科课程伙伴 (ACG 和泰莱斯学院)的有意注册奥克兰大学本科学习的尖子生。


How to apply

You do not need to apply for this Scholarship or complete an online application form, it is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty or University of Auckland Committee.

For more information about the awarding process for this Scholarship, download a copy of the regulations.




Need more information?

For answers to any queries please go to AskAuckland in the first instance. If you still have a question, contact us as soon as possible, at scholarships@auckland.ac.nz. Please indicate the exact name of the scholarship in your email subject line and mark it “Urgent” if your request is being sent within 72 hours of a closing date.

If you have a technical issue of any kind, please clear your browser cache and try again. To escalate an issue to us, please attach a screen shot of the page to your email showing the error message or issue.


如果任何疑问,请先点击 AskAuckland。如果还有疑问,尽快邮件联系学校。请在邮件主题栏中写明奖学金名称,如果咨询时间是在截止日期的72小时内,标注为“紧急”(Urgent)。



Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However we strongly advise that you check the regulations, application forms and any other information that is available, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for any application you might make, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and closing dates.



4.Dean's Asia Scholarships in the Faculty of Business and Economics

The Scholarships were established in 2011 and are funded by the University of Auckland Business School.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to support Asian international undergraduate students to complete a Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Property degree at the University of Auckland Business School. Selection will be based on academic merit, financial need and demonstrated potential to succeed in business studies at university.





How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





Need more information?

For answers to any queries please go to AskAuckland in the first instance. If you still have a question, contact us as soon as possible, at scholarships@auckland.ac.nz. Please indicate the exact name of the scholarship in your email subject line and mark it “Urgent” if your request is being sent within 72 hours of a closing date.

If you have a technical issue of any kind, please clear your browser cache and try again. To escalate an issue to us, please attach a screen shot of the page to your email showing the error message or issue.


如果任何疑问,请先点击 AskAuckland。如果还有疑问,尽快邮件联系学校。请在邮件主题栏中写明奖学金名称,如果咨询时间是在截止日期的72小时内,标注为“紧急”(Urgent)。



Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However we strongly advise that you check the regulations, application forms and any other information that is available, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for any application you might make, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and closing dates.









