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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:碧蓝的夏天

奥克兰大学( University of Auckland )是新西兰创办时间最早的大学之一,也是一所世界百强大学奥克兰大学在最新的QS世界大学排名中排在第81位。奥克兰大学在提供世界一流教育的同时,也提供各种奖学金,吸引高水平的国际生前去学习。除了对本科生和研究生均适用的国际奖学金奥克兰大学还提供学院奖学金,目前提供国际研究生奖学金的学院有创意艺术与工业学院、教育与社会工作学院、商学院和文学院。具体情况请看我爱学习网以下的介绍。

Postgraduate international scholarships


1.University of Auckland International Student Scholarships

The University of Auckland International Student Scholarships were established in 2016.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract new international students of high calibre to enrol in undergraduate and postgraduate taught study of one year or more at the University of Auckland.





How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





2.Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries International Masters Scholarships

The Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries International Student Masters Scholarships were established in 2017.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract new international students of high calibre to enrol in masters level study of one year or more in the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries at the University of Auckland, and thereby to support the faculty’s strategic objectives of teaching, research and collaborative partnerships with other universities.





How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





3.Education and Social Work Postgraduate International Student Scholarships

The Scholarships were established in 2016 and are financed by the Faculty of Education and Social Work.

The main purpose of the Scholarship is to support international students to enrol into a specified postgraduate programme at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, and successfully establish themselves in Auckland.





How to apply

You do not need to apply for this Scholarship or complete an online application form, it is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty or University of Auckland Committee.

For more information about the awarding process for this Scholarship, download a copy of the regulations.




4.Dean's International Doctoral Scholarships (FMHS)

The Dean’s International Doctoral Scholarships (FMHS) were established in 2011 and are funded by the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract international students of high calibre to pursue a research doctoral degree in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.





How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





5.University of Auckland International Business Masters Scholarships

The Scholarships were established in 2013 and are funded by the University of Auckland Business School.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract international students to the Master of Management, Master of International Business, Master of Marketing or Master of Professional Accounting degree at the University of Auckland Business School, enabling them to gain the skills and knowledge required to launch a business career.

A key objective is to enhance the diversity of the class profile.






How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





6.Faculty of Arts International Masters Degree Scholarships

The Scholarships were established in 2013 and are funded by the Faculty of Arts.

The main purpose of the Scholarships is to support international students enrolled in a masters degree in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Auckland.




How to apply

Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.

Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. We recommend you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go in to your form and amend your answers for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise). We recommend you do not have two different scholarship applications open within the same browser.

Outcomes are determined by a selection committee and are usually notified around six weeks after the closing date.





7..University of Auckland Fulbright Scholarship


What is it?

The University of Auckland Council awards UA Fulbright Scholarships to encourage and facilitate study for approved postgraduate degrees at the University of Auckland by candidates already selected to hold Fulbright Awards. As a Fulbright Award fully supports a candidate for the first year, these scholarships are intended to enable Fulbright Award winners to complete degrees at the University of Auckland.



What does it cover?

In the case of a masters student, a scholarship shall be tenable (where appropriate) for the second year of study until the completion of the degree (or for twelve months, whichever is the lesser).

In the case of a doctoral candidate, a scholarship shall be tenable until submission of the thesis or for two years (whichever is the lesser).

The emolument attached to the scholarship is currently:

Masters students: $15,000.00 per annum plus research/tuition fees.

Doctoral students: $25,000 per annum plus research/tuition fees.





硕士生:每年15,000.00美元,外加研究费用或学费;博士生:每年25,000 美元,外加研究费用或学费。

Who is eligible?

Citizens of the United States of America who are intending to take up Fulbright Awards to study in New Zealand and who intend to enrol full-time at the University of Auckland for an approved masters or doctoral degree. Three scholarships are available each year.

For more information, view the Regulations for the University of Auckland Fulbright Scholarship.

Closing dates

There is no closing date for this scholarship.









日本留学 如何减轻家庭经济负担


