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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:贤惠的马里奥





1.weigh v。 考虑,权衡

At the same time, the American Law Institute — a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight — issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones。 (真题 1999, Text 1, Paragraph 4)


2. even a。 均匀的;平的

They seemed a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their bearing; they never referred to anything personal。 (CET-6, 2003.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 4)


3.odd a。 临时的

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety。 (真题 2007, Text 4, Paragraph 1)


4. weather v。 抵抗,克服

This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times。 (真题 2007, Text

3, Paragraph 2)


5.voice n。 意见,发言权

Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure。 (真题 2005, Text 2, Paragraph 3)


6.resume v。 重新开始,恢复

If they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they are disinterested and either will pause until eye contact is resumed or will terminate the conversation。 (CET-6, 1997.6, Passage 4, Paragraph1)


7.spell n。一段时间

Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries。 (真题 2002, Text 2, Paragraph 4)


8.tired 陈腐的, 陈旧的

Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality。(真题 2001, Text 5, Paragraph 2)


9.fault n。 毛病

Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other academics who have questioned science’s objectivity。 (真题 1998, Text 3, Paragraph 4)


10. practice n。 惯例,习惯,做法

Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological。 (真题 1996, Text 4, Paragraph 2)


11. principal n。 最重要的,主要的

The principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils。 (CET-6, 2003.6, Passage 3, Paragraph 1)


12.tell v。 区别,分辨,识别

Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts。 (CET-4, 2005.1, Passage 1, Paragraph 1)


13.land v。 (使)靠岸(登陆、降落)

Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as “steering the economy to a soft landing” or “a touch on the brakes,” makes it sound like a precise science。 (真题 1997, Text 5, Paragraph 1)




1. be determined by由…所决定

2. have something to do with与…有关

3. be central to sth。 是…的核心

4.in contrast/by contrast与此相反

5. be due to 由于(常做表语)

6. be deprived of 被剥夺

7. respond to 对…作出反应

8. as the basis of 作为…的依据/根据

9. be born with 天生具有

10.In contrast 相比之下

11.shut off 关上,停止,切断

12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何 in no case 决不

13.or so 大概,大约

14.at the rate of 以…的速率

15.take time 花费时间

16. be likely to 可能;倾向于

17. result in 导致

18.not nearly 远不能;远非;

19.head into走向;陷入(危机)

20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言








