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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:震动的西牛




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of living in a big city. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。


Recently the phenomenon of living in a big city has been brought into focus. With the population of dwelling in a big city increasing dramatically for its convenient infrastructure and higher wage level, the challenges have also aroused more and more concerns among the society.

First of all, the most obvious problem is the issue of traffic. In a big cities, traffic jam is quite common everywhere, especially in the rush time. Consequently, a large number of people have to spend much time in commuting. In the second place, with the growth of cars and buses in big cities, air pollution has become another disadvantage, which may do harm to the health of people. Last but not least, people living in a big city tend to endure more pressure of work and life, which may, directly or indirectly, influence their mental health.

So what will be the possible tendency of this situation in the following decades? From my perspective, the number of people living in a big city will keep increasing owing to the truth that people prefer to enjoy the advantage of big city, however,the disadvantages of it should not be ignored.It would be advisable to prepare yourselves well to meet any challenges in the future.




在接下来几年这种现象会保持什么样的趋势呢?在我看来,住在大城市的人口会因享受大城市的便利而不断增加,然而人们也应该注意到生活在大城市的弊端,想要应对各种挑战最 好是自己时刻保持状态良好。





