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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:爱笑的唇彩



• Topic Area: Everyday Life

• Topic: How to Stay Healthy


• 1. Do you think early morning is the best time for exercise? Why or why not?

• 2. What exercises do you usually do? Why?

• 3. What’s your favorite food? Why do you like it so much?

• 4. Do you often go to class without breakfast?

• 5. Do you sometimes feel depressed? If yes, when, for instance? If not, how do you manage?

• 6. When you find a classmate in low spirits, how do you help them get over it?

How to Stay Healthy (for candidates)

• The following is one way some people try to stay healthy. Please offer your comments.

• 1. Regular exercise

• 2. Balanced diet

• 3. Good living habits


• How to sty healthy

More questions

• 1. What do you think of students’ health in your university?

• 2. Do you think people are more concerned about their health today? Why do you think so?

• 3. You’ve talking about various threats to people’s health. What do you think we can do to deal with them?

• 4. People say “Health is better than wealth.” What’s your opinion?

• 5. Do you think medical advances have contributed to people’s health? Please give an example.

• 6. During the discussion, why did you say that…?


• Topic Area: Time

• Topic: Time management


• 1. Why do some students often get up late?

• 2. How do you usually spend your evenings?

• 3. What do you usually do during your leisure time?

• 4. Do you sometimes feel pressed for time? Why do you say so?

• 5. Do you believe in the saying “The early bird catches the worm”? Why or why not?

Time Management (for candidates)

• The following is a topic concerning time. Please elaborate on it.

• 1. Different people view time differently.

• 2. Lost time never returns.

• 3. Good ways to save time.


• Why it is important to be punctuate?

More questions

• 1. Have you ever been late for class or absent from class? Please explain.

• 2. Why are freshmen less likely to be late for class?

• 3. Do you turn in your homework on time? If yes, how do you manage it? If not, for what reason?

• 4. DO you think extracurricular activities take up too much of your time? Why do you say so?

• 5. Do you have a plan for spending your college years? Please explain.

• 6. During the discussion, why did you say that…?





