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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:超帅的画笔

高考的节奏在慢慢加快!奋笔疾书的考生们在争分夺秒,亲 !不要紧张!慢慢来!我爱学习网将为您带来最新的相关资讯,欢迎阅读!

Dear Leslie,

How are you? Glad to see you have made some progress in Chinese learning and I’m writing to tell you something about our next lesson.

The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in the classroom 502. In the class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese. You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry. You’d better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class.

If there is anything that I can help you, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua.





