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发布时间:2020-12-05 栏目:专题 投稿:成就的天空


什么是C.V?C.V是"curriculum vitae"的缩写,其实就是英文简历,与"Resume"一词皆是英文履历表的通用语,建议求职者若有公司要求寄送C.V的话,则可寄送比一般Resume更为简短的简历表。范例:详细的英文履历表自传英文简历表Cover Letter撰写当准备好了个人履历表自传及相关文件之后,你就直接将这些资料寄出去吗?其实最有礼貌的作法,还是要附上一封"Cover Letter",即所谓的应徵函或自荐信,简单的说明自己从何处得知该公司徵才的讯息,以及应徵该职务的原因,并客气的请求公司主管详读个人资料并提供面试机会,这样的作法才不会让求才公司觉得突兀或没有礼貌。而这份文件的撰写,只要比照一般商用文书的格式与书写原则即可。 范例一Dear Mr. Lee:Having heard that the situation of a cashier in your office is vacant. I wish to offer my service for it.I am 25 years of age, and have worked for fifteen months in a similar position for ABC Co., Ltd., Taipei. I left them solely becuse they made a reduction in their establishment.I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview.Very truly yours,Gary Chen.范例二 Dear Sir:I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy in the YK GrammerSchool, and I wish to apply for the position.I graduated from Harvardy 1982. For the last three years I have been teaching chemistry at Chung-wha High School, in Taichung city. I am also per-mitted to refer to Professor John Powell, of the Education Department at the Taipei Normal College.I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience and enclosing a brief personal history.Sincerely yours,Tom Lee.英文履历撰写原则与建议撰写英文履历与自传,其实只要掌握几个基本原则,把自己的WORK EXPERIENCE以及EDUCATION等资料详细交代,相信雇主就能很清楚的瞭解你是不是他们所要的人才了。以下提供几个建议与基本原则供参考: 注意履历表自传的版面安排是否清晰易读、字数恰当 针对自己与应徵职务有关的专长与经历做发挥 太过细节的个人资料可视情况省略,如薪资、身高体重、兴趣等 正确使用文法,词汇与语句简单明瞭即可 适当的表现自信,但应避免过于自我,如"I ...."开头的语句勿使用太多 可请以前的主管或师长写推荐信佐证自己的背景与能力 重要栏位名词 JOB OBJECTIVE、JOB TARGET、POSITION DESIRED简单说明应徵的职务名称即可,如"Product Manager"(产品经理)、"Assistant"(助理)、"Sales Representative"(业务代表)以及"Software Engineer"(软体工程师)。 PERSONAL DATA应条列式逐一说明,主要包括个人基本资料,如Name、Present address、Telephone、ZIP Code(邮递区号)、 Date of birth或Born(生日)、Marital status或Marr- iage(婚姻状况)、 Language skills(语言能力)、 Height(身高)、Weight(体重)。 EDUCATION、EDUCATION





