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发布时间:2021-01-18 栏目:专题 投稿:健康的橘子


酒店管理专业主要学习大学英语、旅游英语、旅游日语、旅游心理学、中外礼仪、旅游法规、饭店会计、餐饮运行与管理、前厅运行与管理、客房服务与管理、形体、导游业务、旅行社管理、现代宾馆管理、市场营销、计算机文化与应用等课程。那么,用英语写酒店管理方面的求职信怎么写呢?Dear XX hotel Leadership:Hello! I am XX Sciences University Department of Public Administration, a student, graduated in July this year. I am very happy to see you in the online recruitment wdjlw.cn information, take the liberty of a letter submitted to the individual job-seekers, looking forward to your view!I studied public administration, but the comparison is more like hotel management. A senior last semester, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to the Internet after searching for the information, with a certain degree of understanding, I found that this is what I want to do. Although some nights, but after all, to find love for their work and not easy. So I was very lucky.Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasant place, the kind of environment and atmosphere is what I aspire to, and engaged in the provision of hotel management in all of this work will be proud of and to meet people. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising industries, especially the rapid growth of domestic hotels, foreign hotels have entered China, but also gives the hotel industry is full of opportunities and challenges. I am committed to the hotel management as a cause of their own to do, so your company recruited cadres reserve positions, the industry hopes to have a very good development.Although there is a certain degree of expertise inadequate, but I found the hotel management have a strong thirst for knowledge, I made a four-year university with a very good learning ability, and prepared to apply for assistance after the hotel management division examination.Since I chose the hotel ready to endure hardship on the preparation, your company would like to start from the grassroots to make their own hotel as continuous development of a step-by-step may be raised.Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request for candidates, hoping to have the honor to interview you, and sincerely look forward to your response!Sincerely,Salute附:求职信写作技巧注意性别称呼:不要一开始就用错涉及性别的称呼,应该最好避免使用针对不同性别的称呼,这样可能会冒犯那些不属于这一称呼的人。你可以尝试找出负责审阅你求职信的人,在信中直接称呼此人的姓名头衔。如果不知道负责人,那么写上“敬启者”,这是最中性的称呼方式。字数要适当:虽然你希望自己的求职信不是只有一两句话那么简单,但也不要写成多页的长篇大论。结构清楚的三个段落概括出你对这个职位的兴趣以及你的资历,是求职信的理想模式。学会“量身定做”:如果你已准备好一个标准版本的求职信那么当你把它套用在不同职位的申请时要格外小心,注意不要出现错误。求职信中的常见错误包括错误的职位、公司名称、日期和招聘信息来源。花点时间,确认你每封求职信中的信息都正确无误。同时,不妨针对不同的职位要求量身定做自己的求职信。按要求做事:雇主都想知道你是否能按照要求做好事情,这一评价从你的求职信开始。请按照要求,制作成某个特定的文件格式,发给相关招聘人员。同样地,若招聘说明中要求你写出薪资要求以供参考,那么写上你期待的薪资水平。在这一阶段如果忽略了某项明确列出的要求那么你注定要被淘汰。





