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发布时间:2021-01-18 栏目:专题 投稿:冷艳的招牌


Respect leadership:Bank personal cover letterHello. The bank has been a good image in the social reputation, I am about to graduate, if there is a chance is willing to your company can effect a modest! My name is XXX, graduated from the China University of Mining and Technology, was studying financial management specialty. The following is my personal letter of introduction.I to your bank for some basic understanding. As a newcomer students finish their studies, I have the confidence to accept the social test and the challenge from its own. During my college study hard, strict demands on themselves, respect for teachers, and actively participate in various activities organized by the school. On weekdays, and teachers and students live together in peace together. In English, passed Band Four six examination. I know, the bank clerk is the need to have a strong sense of responsibility, practice. Therefore, in school period, I tried a different practice and work. I do Secretary, did the promotion, has made the family, worked as a waitress, different occupation has given me a different experience let me gradually from a silly little girl into an independent thinking, problem solving skill and teamwork spirit. In order to remain invincible in the work, do a better job.I hope to go to your bank to work, to learn the theory of combination of knowledge and practice, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your bank is whole image, management mode, working atmosphere will be more attractive to me in my mind, is the pursuit of the ideals and goals.We enclosed a copy of my resume, hope to be able to notice will have the opportunity to meet.Sincerely yours拓展阅读:英文求职信需注意的细节一、语言表达要简洁明了避免使用太多的专业术语和过分复杂的句子。一方面用人单位不会在一份简历上花费太多的时间;另外一个方面,简洁的语言表述也能体现出你珍惜他人的时间。二、在求职信的第一个段落当中应该明确地告诉对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,例如Youradvertisementfor (职位名称)a Network Maintenance Engineer in (媒体名称)theApril 10Student Daily interested me。这样有助于对方了解招聘信息的有效传播途径。三、语言客观实际。英文求职信中应避免自己的主观判断性的语言和评论性的话语,不要过分渲染自我尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来。为了避免过多的主观性描述,你可以在自己的简历当中用客观的数字和引述别人的话语来描述自己的实际情况。例如:I have passed CET-6 with a high mark of 96.四、重视开头、结尾。求职信的结尾,我们通常要提及关于希望得到面试的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视。在表达自己的这样的意愿的时候,切忌软弱、羞怯的表达方式,例如:Ifyouthink I can fill the position after you have read my letter, Ishallbe glad to talk with you。五、表现个人特色。求职的信件要具个人特色、亲切且能体现出专业水平。切不可过于随意,也不能拘泥于格式——商业信函应该是一种既正式、又非正式的文体。句子结构和长度应富于变化,使阅信人总保持兴趣。内容、语气、用词的选择和对希望的表达要积极,应该充分显示出你是一个乐观、有责任心、有创造力和通情达理的人。





