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发布时间:2021-01-19 栏目:专题 投稿:贪玩的黑米


dear sir/madam:in reply to your advertisement in todays newspaper regarding a vacancy in your office, i wish to apply for the position of senior clerk, which you have specified.i feel confident that i can meet your special requirements indicating that the candidate must have a high command of english, for i graduated from the english language department of _____ university three years ago.in addition to my study of english while in the university, i have worked for three years as secretary in the firm of abc trading coltd.the main reason for changing my employment is to gain more experience with a superior trading company like yours. i believe that my education and experience will prove useful for work in your office.i am enclosing my personal history, certificate of graduation and letter of recommendation from the president of the university, i shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.sincerely,gu bin拓展阅读:英文求职信写作技巧.语言表达要简洁明了,避免使用太多的专业术语和过分复杂的句子。一方面用人单位不会在一份 简历上花费太多的时间;另外一个方面,简洁的语言表述也能体现出你珍惜他人的时间。2.在 求职 信的第一个段落当中应该明确地告诉对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,例如your advertisementfor (职位名称)a network maintenance engineer in (媒体名称)the april 10 student daily interested me。这样有助于对方了解 招聘 信息的有效传播途径。3.简洁、明了、具体地说明自己的能力和条件。特别突出的或者可能引起用人单位特别的注意的能力和条件。例如:i have passed cet-6 with a high mark of 96.4.对于要求取的工作岗位,要特别写明,给用人单位一个考虑选择的机会。5.要突出招聘者的利益,不要一味强调自己的需要和期望。推荐:英语专业应届生英文求职信2018商务英语专业英文求职信商务英语专业英文求职信(2018最新)英语专业的大学生求职信范文商务英语专业毕业生的英文求职信外贸英语专业毕业生英文求职信范文中专商务英语专业英文求职信范文商务英语专业学生的英文求职信英文求职信范文-外贸英语专业商务英语专业个人应届生英文求职信


英文求职信范文:Insurance Underwriter



