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发布时间:2021-01-19 栏目:专题 投稿:不安的往事


dear sir / madam:my name is wang ying, i am xi an university graduates. i am of the department of education of english majors. i am very glad to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding.with the increasingly fierce social competition, the personnel requirements are increasingly high, i try to learn all kinds of knowledge in the university for four years, and the measure of my oldteacher is hard work and i myself; i have mastered english listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.in order to better adapt to society after graduation, i learned the computer technology during the summer, and as a english tutor work, counseling a high school student is foreign language courses, was highly praised by parents in the education practice, improve their ability to work. because as in a number of candidates, i may not be the best, but i am still very confident, i will do my best to become an excellent primary and secondary school teachers, sincerely hope that i can make i can in the future in the school a hard gardener.finally, wide na xiancai wish expensive unit.sincerly拓展阅读:求职信的书写诀窍1.表现自我的个性及特质建议使用积极正面的陈述方式。2.文章不可冗长控制在总共四段、每段五行以内。3.前瞻性的气魄具有勇于突破与开创气质的人是外商公司的最爱。因此并不需要对之前辞职的原委做太多的解释。4.少用第一人称为了避免流于自大与主观的缺点,尽量少用第一人称。说明你从何处得知这个工作机会这是最基本的部份。一般来说会将媒体广告的名称改用别的字体书写或用底线加以标记。在这个段落中也可加上你的目标。强调自己就是最佳的人选这是最精华的段落。要依据求才广告的内容,将自己的能力及特色恰如其份的包装起来。不过在工作经验不足的情况下,要避免将自己吹嘘的过分离谱。在结尾部份注意应有的礼貌最后的部份建议要以感谢对方在百忙之中阅读这份履历表,并且“诚挚的期望能得到面试的机会”、“希望有荣幸能为公司效力”这样的句子作为结尾,让主管留下好的印象。





