personal resume personal name: jenny date of birth: december 26, 1979 nationality: china nation: han address: n0.110 xx town, wuxi city, jiang su province, china sex: male marital status: unmarried tel: 0510-1234567 or 0510-7654321 mobile:1391234567 e-mail: xxx@diyifanwen.com education dates instituations 1986-1992 xx school 1992-1995 xx middle school 1995-1998 xx high school 1998-XX southern yangtze university major degree chinese language and culture bachelor language skills kinds level chinese proficient english cet-6 computer skills foxpro, flash5.0, dreamweaver4.01, fireworks4.02, photoshop6.0 and be familiar with internet. mastership in university date position 1999-XX studying minister in student union 1999-XX president of educational union 1999-XX president of library governing union hobby and merit computer, reading, sports and music相关推荐: