i'm liuzhou railway transport school graduates of the class of XX * * * * * *, first sincerely thank you from taking time out of your busy schedule to see my this cover book, don't because i was just a the total, so let you throw close book recommendation, but would you continue to watch it, you will find that, i can do it but is not only a general sense of the total can do.we are in the society of the total survival, can be in this shipwreck trained me but many ability. since the entrance to, i would always warned myself to continuous efforts, therefore in the study i can't relax. in first grade, through my efforts for the school and won election committee "work activists" title. the second grade last semester i was named as "excellent member of railway administration" and "liuzhou outstanding student cadres". these honor more inspired me to read the desire of love of books. because i am a man of easy there is sense of responsibility, was chosen monitor of the class. at the same time in this semester second-class scholarship for school.in the past three years, i finished school full course of the regulation, have the basic knowledge of computer and basic application ability, to the computer software has a common proficient in use, such as visual foxpro 6.0, office automation software, the web page three musketeers, c language, etc. self-study photoshop 7.0.1,. familiar with the win xp operating system and computer application and maintenance.my advantage is honest, enthusiasm, strong character. i think that good faith is the base of this, so i've been in for themselves the joker, promised to other people's things must be done on time. because others warm sincere, so a middle-school with classmates and teachers university has been getting along very well, but also very popular around the students welcome, and many students to create a lasting friendship.i look forward to the life and a challenge, the more looking forward to staying in to meet him work and development of the infinite space. give me a piece of the sky, i'll make it more beautiful, and this is my promises forever. looking forward to you soon!!!!!faithful blessing: your company developed all the staff, success in work!thissalute!cover people * * * 这篇应届毕业生的一份自荐信的关键词是自荐信,应届毕业生, 敬爱的领导,您好!我是xxx学校的一名应届毕业生,专业是,我希望能到您的工作。我既注重基础课的学习,又重视对能力的培养。在校期间,我抓紧时间,刻苦学习,以优异的成绩完成了基础理论课的学习。同时,我也有计划地抽出时间去阅读各种书刊、杂志,力求尽可能地扩大知识面,紧跟上时代的步伐。学习之余,走出校门,我尽量去捕捉每一个可以锻炼的机会,与不同层次的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸、甜、苦、辣,使自己尽快地成熟。现在我渴求能到贵单位去工作,使所学的理论知识与实践有机地结合,能够使自己的人生有一个质的飞跃。选择单位,工资和待遇不是我考虑的首要条件。我更重视单位的整体形象、管理方式、员工的士气及工作气氛。我相信贵单位正是我所追求的理想目标。我很自信地向您承诺:选择我,您绝不会后悔。建筑工程应届毕业生的自荐信,关键词是自荐信,建筑工程, 人事部经理:您好!我叫xxx,是xx建筑工程学院XX年应届毕业生。大学四年来我时刻严格要求自己,在扎实的掌握本专业知识外还积极参加大学各种社团课外活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自己。四年来,在师友的严格教益及个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握了混凝土结构、钢结构设计、建筑施工等有关理论;能熟练操作计算机办公软件。更重要的是,严谨的学风和端正的学习态度塑造了我朴实、稳重、创新的性格特点。生活给了我亲和的性格和坚韧的品质,也造就了我对建筑事业的热爱和追求。大学四年,我深深地感受到,与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中成长。我对自己的工作能力有99分的信心,在这里期待您给我1分的信任,我将还您100分的满意。收笔之际,衷心的祝愿您工作顺利!祝愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!此致敬礼!尊敬的hr:您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的简历。我叫xx,是陕西省xxx大学物理与电子工程学院物理学应届毕业生。作为一名物理学专业的学生,我喜欢自己的专业,毕业在即,欣闻贵单位向社会广纳贤才,特呈上自荐信一份,以期能与贵单位共同发展。我深知我没有知名大学的名牌效应,唯有靠自己的实力加入激烈的竞争中。大学期间,我严格要求自己,孜孜不倦,在取得学业优秀的同时,注重人格的培养和知识的拓展,家庭和学校双重熏陶,培养了我吃苦耐劳,脚踏实地,团结协作的精神。在这里我学会了如何与人沟通,共处合作,养成了自信乐观,沉着冷静,善于思考,积极进取的个人品质,这笔财富我终身受用不尽,我将靠自己的聪明才智与勤奋努力,永不放弃对理想的追求。贵单位充满着机遇与挑战,但我坚信凭着我对生活和工作的热爱,我一定能胜任这份工作,我希望贵单位能给我一次机会,让我融入到你们发展的大熔炉中,我将会献出我的全部才学为贵单位添砖加瓦。或许我不是最好,但我会是最适合贵单位的人选。我将以谦逊务实的作风和奋发进取的精神为我们共同的明天努力。感谢您的惠览,如蒙赐复,不胜感激!此致敬礼!自荐人:农药专业应届毕业生的自荐信范本体育专业应届毕业生的自荐信金融财经专业应届毕业生的求职自荐信范文药学专业应届毕业生的自荐信绘画专业应届毕业生的自荐信会计专业应届毕业生的自荐信建筑工程应届毕业生的自荐信土木工程专业应届毕业生的自荐信蒙药学专业应届毕业生的自荐信中专应届毕业生的英文自荐信参考相关推荐: