您好!首先,对于您百忙之中翻阅我的自荐信,我深表感激!在此恭祝贵院宏图事业蒸蒸日上,前程似锦!我是河北政法职业学院XX届毕业生,司法助理专业。借此择业之际,现怀着对助理事业的执着追求向您毛遂自荐。诚挚希望能加入贵单位,为贵院的明天添砖加瓦,更愿为贵院贡献自己的青春和智慧。敬业是我的态度,诚信是我的人格基点,真诚是我的做人原则,爱心是我拥有的最大财富,严谨求实是我的性格。父母的期望、社会的竞争是我学习的动力。我十分珍惜大学的学习,在校的二年里,我觉得自己并没有虚度。我不但学到了专业知识,提高了综合素质,更重要的是教会了我怎么做人,培养了我严谨务实、求索创新的个人素养。实习期间,我理论联系实践,实践巩固理论,使自己在司法助理方面有了丰硕的收获,使自己变得更加成熟稳健,专业功底更加扎实。学习中,始终以“爱心、细心、耐心”为基本,努力做到“眼勤、手勤、脚勤、嘴勤、脑勤”,想当事人之所想,急当事人之所急,能正确回答带教老师的提问,规范熟练的进行各项基础司法操作及专科助理操作理论知识和技能。在生活中,我把自己锻炼成为一名吃苦耐劳的人,工作热心主动,脚踏实地,勤奋诚实,能独立工作是我对工作的本分。 独立思维、身体健康、精力充沛是我能充分发挥潜能的跳台。过去并不代表未来,勤奋才是真实的内涵。在这里,让我收获颇多,让我从生命里爱上“律师”神圣的使命!我很喜欢法律,看着当事人在我们的精心呵护下,心里莫名的开心!他们充满欣慰而温暖的笑容是我最大的幸福。对于实际工作,我相信我能够很快适应工作环境,并且在实际工作中不断学习,不断完善自己。锐意进取、永不自满是我的座右铭。总之,充实的头脑,健康的体魄和充沛的精力是我永远的财富;殷切的期望在您的领导下为这一光荣的事业奉献我的一片真情,并在实践中不断学习进步。古有毛遂自荐,今有伯乐点将,愿借您的伯乐慧眼,开始我的千里之行。现在我即将毕业,面对新的人生选择和挑战,我充满信心。希望在新的起点、新的层次,以新的姿态,展现新的面貌,书写新的记录,创造新的成绩。尽管在众多的应聘者中,我不一定是最优秀的,但我仍然自信。“怀赤诚以待明主,持经论以待明君”,我希望用自己的行动来谋求信任。如果把您的信任和希望给我,让我能施展潜能,我一定会尽心尽责,尽我所能,让贵单位满足。我热爱我所学的专业,怀着自信的心上台,如果能与你携手同行,我将深感荣幸,纵使无缘合作,也请您让我认识到自己的不足,我不甚感激,定会再接再厉!随信附个人简历!再次感谢您阅读我的自荐材料,祝您身体健康、生活幸福!!此致敬礼 dear mr. director, i have learned from the newspaper that you are employing an administrative secretary. i am very much interested in this position. i have worked as an administrataiv secretary for a chemical company in shanghai for three years, so i have some understanding of the chemical industry. i graduated from the east china university of technology, holding a bachelor degree. having obtained certificates of cet-4 and cet-6, i find myself fluent in both spoken and written english. in adition, i am also quite familiar with computer skills. enclosed please find my resume. looking forward to your early reply. yours sincerely, 下面是一名刚毕业不久大学生的英文自荐信,她申请的职位是部门经理助理。自荐信虽然简单,但很诚恳。dear mr. smith,ms. maria mayor of your company has told me that your department needs a managerial assistant, and i want to apply for the position. i graduated from the university of business and economy last year. my major was human resource. i have some business experience that i believe qualifies me for the position. .i am really interested in learning business practices. i am a diligent worker and a fast learner. if given a chance, i am sure i can prove my worth in your company.i am available during the weekdays in the morning for an interview. please find my resume enclosed. i look forward to hearing from you.sincerely yours,betty scavo xx manager: hello! i write you this letter to recruit candidates for assistant manager positions. i am pleased to know you in the recruitment site of recruitment advertisements, and have been expecting to have the opportunity to join your company. two years ago, i graduated from capital university of economics and international trade, at school and learned a lot during the professional knowledge, such as international trade, international trade practices, international business negotiations, international trade law, foreign trade and economic cooperation, such as courses in english. after graduation, worked for a foreign trade company, engaged in market assistance, primarily to assist managers to develop work plan, a number of outreach work, as well as documents, files management. i have a certain degree of management and planning capacity, and is familiar with the operation of various office software, proficiency in english, some knowledge in japanese. i am confident that your company can do the level assistant manager. biographical notes and related material be accompanied by, i hope you will feel is a strong competitor for the job and would like to receive an interview notice as soon as possible, my contact telephone: 139 ******** thank you for reading this letter and consider my request for candidates! with best regards! your sincere friend: xx on xx in xxxx on 公司领导助理的英文自荐信样文应聘经理助理求职自荐信最新摄影助理个人自荐信范文经理助理英文求职自荐信人力资源管理助理自荐信范文经理助理的英文自荐信范文大学生经理助理英文自荐信项目经理助理英文自荐信范文会计助理自荐信应聘总裁助理的自荐信范文相关推荐: