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发布时间:2021-01-29 栏目:专题 投稿:可靠的小蚂蚁


本人概况姓名:xxx性别:女民族:汉政治面目:团员学历(学位):本科专业:财会专业联系电话:0755-12345678手机:13901111234联系地址:深圳市福田区深南大道xx号邮编:518028emailaddress:xxxxxxx@diyifanwen.com;xxxxxxx@diyifanwen.com呼机:66806688-1234教育背景毕业院校:北京金融学院1993.9--1997.7财会专业业务及特长*助理会计师职称,熟悉国家财务制度和相关政策法规*英语六级水平,熟悉各种英文商务书函的写作格式*熟练掌握计算机基础知识,并能熟练运用powerbuilder、sql语言、foxpro、powerpoint、office97、foxbase等进行计算机软件应用与开发,并具有较好的计算机网络知识与技能*头脑灵活,性格稳重,责任心强,具有较强的团队精神工作经历1999.3---至今xx集团公司出纳、会计*负责工业企业材料成本核算,销售往来帐目核算,应收、应付帐款核算,各项销售指标核算、统计*协助主管会计进行其它日常工作,现金管理1997.9---1999.1xx科技有限公司助理会计负责分公司与总部之间的资金电汇工作/完成日记帐的登录和处理/处理每月与中国银行之间的对帐单/及时送达根据总帐编制的税务报表本人性格开朗、谦虚、自律、自信(根据本人情况)。另:最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选!期盼与您的面谈! dear mr hoapplication for the position of chief financial officermy interest in this position advertised in yesterday's has prompted me to send my resume for your review.during my past nine years with xyz company as a financial manager, the business has grown from approximately $10 million to nearly 180 million. my responsibilities include all aspects of the financial and treasury functions, as well as distribution and domestic sourcing. also, i have been held responsible for the financial management of associated commercial operations in multilocation and international environment. in addition to holding an m.b.a. in finance and bachelor of business administration in accountancy, i am also a certified public accountant.i believe my professional experience would make me a valuable asset to your company, and i appreciate the opportunity to meet you.thank you very much for your consideration.yours sincerely 敬爱的领导: 您好! 我是某大学的一名应届毕业生,专业是会计电算化,目前正在统计局做实习会计。大学三年,我既注重基础课的学习,又重视对能力的培养。在校期间,我抓紧时间,刻苦学习,以优异的成绩完成了基础理论课的学习。同时,我也有计划地抽出时间去阅读各种书刊、杂志,力求尽可能地扩大知识面,紧跟上时代的步伐。学习之余,走出校门,我尽量去捕捉每一个可以锻炼的机会,与不同层次的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸、甜、苦、辣,使自己尽快地成熟。 选择单位,工资和待遇不是我考虑的首要条件。我更重视单位的整体形象、治理方式、员工的士气及工作气氛。我相信贵单位正是我所追求的理想目标。我很自信地向您承诺:选择我,您绝不会后悔。 希望阁下抽空给予接见。若需本人较详细资料,请按本函上方所载地址汇函通知。此致敬礼求职人:王 beloved leaders: hello! guangxi university xx i am a fresh college graduates who majored in accounting, i am about to enter a new society for the future is full of expectations, with a self-confidence, take the liberty to put themselves forward your own! university for three years, i shall focus on learning basic course, and emphasis on ability. in school, i pay close attention to time, to study hard in order to complete the outstanding achievements of the basis of the theory of learning. at the same time, i also have plans to take some time to read all kinds of books, magazines, and seek to maximize the expansion of knowledge. i also participated in the study accounting mastered basic accounting software applications, is now computerized accounting certificate, but also to obtain a certificate of their qualification. while studying at the school as a college apartment i have been vice-chairman of the management committee. busy training and exercise not only my ability to work more exercise my ability to solve problems and deal with all kinds of people, his ability has greatly improved, so that the problems faced by the time i can calm analysis, careful reflection, and all of my professional choice has had a profound impact. apart from the study, out of college, i try to capture every opportunity to exercise, and get along with others at different levels, so that close contact with their own society, the feelings of life, the life taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, so that the maturity of their own as soon as possible. the needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so i have to learn professional knowledge, actively participate in social practice, to participate in the work of college students have achieved excellent results. i look forward to your company can give me an opportunity to display their talent, i will use to prove their abilities. your company the right choice! sincerely, salute! 更多文章财务人员自荐信范文财务人员英文自荐信财务人员自荐信与简历财务人员自荐信





