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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:专题 投稿:糊涂的流沙


  考研复试面试技巧问题考生应该在复试面试考场中如何介绍自己?最重要的不是答案。自我介绍要进行一定的事前准备,你的经历比你的名字更重要。重点介绍你做过什么研究、论文题目是什么等学术方面的经验,其他证明自己能力的事情都可以简要介绍。回答问题的过程是考生综合能力的展现过程。该怎么样组织语言回答复试面试中的问题?拿到题目,应该考虑要套用哪个理论,从哪个角度入手,一共要分为几点来答。这样条例才清晰。如果能举例子,最好用上,例子最能说明问题。一个同学被我们冠以“两面性”的绰号是这样来的,他说自己在复试时,每个题目都从正反两个方面阐述,感觉效果还可以。不妨借鉴。如果问读了哪些书,哪些著作,哪些期刊,该怎么回答?这个题目出现的几率几乎是百分之百,当然是学校自己定的参考书目了,有的学校参考书目是自己编写的,如果你说看了某某大师的著作,就没有提到他们学校的,他们会怎么想?问到你是如何看待某一本著作,或者期刊的,怎么回答?这个和上个题目差不多,能写书的说明都不是等闲之辈,最好是中性回答,不带个人偏见,或者就书中的一个观点进行阐述,如果导师刚好问到一个他不喜欢的著作或者那位作者,你却夸奖一番,估计就有问题了。所以如果你想要高分,那就需要在表达的逻辑性和表达的深度上有所加强。今年发生了***事件,请您谈谈对此的看法。这也是热点型题目,而且是命题型。这部分内容的准备起来,要求的量比较大。但你可以参考如下的准备策略:1) 参考就是导师的研究方向。导师的研究方向反映了这阶段他关注的焦点,面试的时候他的兴趣点,也很可能与他的研究方向有关。考研英语面试问题1. what’s your name?my name is shicong2. does your name have any special meaning?my father and my mother hope that i will be born very smart and clever.3. where were you come from?i come from nankang city of jiangxi province.4. what kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?my hometown - nam hong is a small town, there are few famous buildings, with the rapid development of economy people’s life condition get fast improvement, there is international fashion city where you can buy fame furniture at home and abroad, dramatic new residential buildings, the entire city is full of vigor and vitality.5. what is the climate like in your hometown?the climate in my hometown is very mild, the weather is exactly different in different seasons, the spring is warm, the summer is hot, the autumn is cool and the winter is cold.6. what is people’s favorite food in your region?rice .actually i eat rice in the morning everyday before entering my university.7. what do you do during the spring festival?我在过去的几个月里一直在忙着考研,所以春节我主要是和家人聊天,上上网,还有就是搜集些复试方面的资料in the past few months, i have been busy in preparing postgraduate examination, so in spring festival i mainly chat with my family, scan website and gather some information for the second examination.8. can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated?当然。以过年为例子,在除夕之夜,我们要和所有家庭成员一起吃团圆饭。当天晚上,要一直等到12点才睡觉,然后放鞭炮送年。certainly. take the new year’s celebration as an example, in the new year's eve, we must have the family reunion dinner together with all family member. that night, we will not go to sleep until 12 o’clock in order to set off firecrackers to deliver the year.9. tell me something about the customs of your hometown.我们家乡对一些传统节日非常重视,比如清明节(祭拜祖先)端午节(吃粽子)中秋节吃月饼。we attach great importance to some traditional festivals, such as the qingming festival (worships ancestor) dragon boat festival (to eat steamed rice dumpling) mid-autumn festival (to eat the moon cake).11. what place in 江西 do you like best? why?我的家乡。因为那里有我思念的亲人。i like my hometown - - nankang. because there are many family members of mine who i miss very much.12. which is the best place you’ve been to china?九寨,那里的美丽的自然风光。jiu zhai, because of the beautiful scenery.13. what is the biggest problem you will face?不断的超越自己,因为每个人最大的敌人其实是自己myself. because everyone is the greatest enemy for himself, only beyond ourselves can we achieve greater progress.14. could you tell me something about your family?当然可以,我们家一个有五个人,爸爸妈妈两个妹妹和我,我们现在居住在重庆,我非常爱我的家人,我们生活的很幸福。certainly, we have a family with five members, mom and dad and two younger sisters, we are now living in chongqing city , i love my family, we lead a very happy life .15. when will you get married?这是一个很有意思的问题,谢谢您的提问,我觉得对一个真正的男人来说事业成功是最重要的所以我的回答是,我不会结婚直到取得事业的成功。thank you for your question ,i think it is a very interesting question, in my view a successful career is the most important for a real man.i won’t marry until my career is success.16. what social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?先要自己能生存靠自身的努力,如果有能力要帮助需要帮助的人,要孝敬父母,多为社会做贡献等等on the basis of living independently ,i will do my efforts to help people who need help and do more contribute to society.17. what difficulties do your parents have concerning their old age?我想他们的老年生活会过得很幸福,如果我在外地工作我会常回去看他们i maybe work away from them, but i will go back to see them regularly, i think they would have a happy life with my love.18. which kind of professor do you like best?我想是博学充满活力(激情)平易近人的教授he is a friendly people with rich professional knowledge, energy and passion.19. what does friendship mean to you? what kind of people do you make friend with?他们是我的财富是我的骄傲,我喜欢结交真诚(诚信),上进(不满足现状,不平庸的意思)的朋友i think they are my great wealth and proud, and i like to make friends with sincere and dynamic people.20. what is your major? 我的专业是食品i majored in food engineering. 21. how do you like your major?我很喜欢我的专业,我考研的目的就是为了能学习更多的专业知识。i like food specialty very much,the purpose i took exams for postgraduate is to learn more specialized knowledge.22. when and where did you graduate? what qualifications have you obtained?我将在今年的七月顺利从西南科技大学毕业,我将获得食品系的学士学位i will graduate smoothly in july this year from southwest university of science and technology.i will obtain food bachelor's degree.23. what impressed you most when you were at university?在大学期间我收获了真诚的友情和爱情我学到了很多知识。锻炼了能力这些都很难忘,最难忘的是我通过自学取得了计算机三级证书in university period, i have harvested the sincere friendship and the precious love, i have learned many knowledge and exercised ability, these are very unforgettable, what is most unforgettable, i have obtained the computer third-level certificate through studied independently.2) 多看相关专业领域的一些权威期刊,对所报考导师的学术观点、论文、专著应有较深的了解。3) 关注一下相关评委的研究方向,毕竟不是你的导师的评委也可能提出一些问题。特别提醒:如果你的观点和导师的一致或者可以在他的基础上有所创新,那他一定会对你留下不错的印象。对于你所报考的专业,你曾看过什么著名的书,作者,成书的朝代或者时间,书的编目方式,以及该本书的主要学术思想,有哪一条对你印象最为深刻,并请简单阐述。建议:准备一到两个案例。如果实在没有准备就上了考场,那就如实回答,以博得诚实的好感。





