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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:高挑的月饼



The Scuola Normale Superiore is a public institute for higher education with unique features: student selection exclusively based on merit, lessons on a seminar basis, deeply intertwined teaching and research, an integrated college life, and the encouragement of international exchanges based on the best European model of higher education. In Pisa, lecturers, researchers and students inhabit the same spaces, with teaching and laboratory activities, cultural events and experimental initiatives all taking place in a single area. Two types of course are available: the undergraduate course and the PhD course. The teaching activity is distributed among three academic structures: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences and, from the academic year 2014/2015 onwards, for the PhD course only, the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, sited in Palazzo Strozzi in Florence. The great resource of the Scuola Normale is the quality of its students. Selected on the basis of merit through a special examination, they live in a completely free college system and follow a course of studies revolving around a natural mix of experience, research, in-depth study and moments of intuition.


Faculty staff and students (by QS)



The Scuola Normale of Pisa was formally founded on the 18th of October, 1810, by a Napoleonic decree which dealt with “places of public instruction” in Tuscany, a province of the French empire since 1807.

The three regions of the Arno, Ombrone and Mediterraneo formed one of the Academies of the Imperial University housed in Pisa, and together opened an “academic residence” for university students. Twenty-five places, publicly funded, were reserved for students in the humanities and sciences to form a subsidiary of Paris' École Normale Supérieure. The new institution was closely linked to its parent institution in Paris. The shared name “normale” refers to the mission of the school, which was to train middle and high school teachers able to convey “norms” in a context where training teachers was still strongly connected to “forming” citizens loyal to the laws and the emperor.

On February 22, 1811, the first competition for 25 new students was announced. Although they were selected on September 4 of that year, it was not until 1813 that the Scuola Normale in Pisa truly started its activities. The first students, housed in the Convent of San Silvestro, were enrolled and a set of Disciplinary Regulations for the academic residence was established.








