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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:老实的小伙




A: Good morning. You look nice. Have you had your breakfast?

B: Yes. I have had an egg, a cup of milk and a piece of bread. What about you?

A: I haven’t. Generally, I don’t have the habit of having breakfast. Em…

B: What a terrible habit! Breakfast is so important to our body that we should not ignore it.

A: I see, I see, but there are so many college students who don’t have breakfast. So I want to organize a “have your breakfast” activity to help our classmates establish the habit of having breakfast.

B: Wow, it’s a good idea. When and where will the activity be held?

A: From next Monday on, in No.1 canteen. Can you offer me some suggestions?

B: I hope the activity can involve all our classmates, so we must guarantee that all of our classmates support and participate in the activity. That’s what I care most. Then, the time to get together should be made clear and all the classmates should enter the canteen on time.

A: Ok, thank you. Your suggestions are important to our activity and I will put them into practice. Thanks again.

B: My pleasure. Let’s develop the habit of having breakfast together.








​2019年上半年大学英语四级阅读理解:Violin prodigies