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发布时间:2021-02-03 栏目:阅读 投稿:留胡子的蜗牛






Eighty percent of China's net users frequently or occasionally visite-business websites. Less expensive merchandises, such as books, audio andvideo products, flowers and other gifts and ticket service now lead China'sonline consumption. The most frequently used Internet service is e-mail. Onaverage, each subscriber owns 2 to 3 e-mail accounts. Moreover, listening tomusic and watching movies online are becoming more popular. Aside fromInternet viruses, Internet suffers said they are most annoyed by pop-up ads andnet attacks.



逢年过节, 把屋子收拾利索, 长了能维持几个月, 短了不消几天, 屋子里又乱了, 主要是书在捣乱, 到处是书堆。外出总禁不住要逛书店, 逛书店就不可能不买书。新书、准备要看的书、看了一半的书、写作正用得着的书、有保存价值的书, 占据了我房子里的绝大部分空间; 而且还不断扩展, 每时每刻都在蚕食供我存身的那块空间。这不是侵略是什么? 我舒舒服服、自得其乐地接受这种侵略和征服。


Before every New Year or major celebrations, there would be a general cleaning. The room could usually be kept tidy for a couple of months, but often it was a matter of only a few days before the room was a mess again, and that was mainly due to those books, piles of books, everywhere. Whenever I was out on business, I couldn't help going to bookstores, and once I was there, I could never resist the temptation of buying more .New books, books that I had a thought of reading, books of which I only finished half, books needed for my writing, and books that had values to keep took up most of the space in my room, and they were ever expanding, eating up a11the time the remaining part of my room that provided the minimum space for me as the dweller there. Isn't this an invasion? But I accepted invasion of such kind with comfort and pleasure.





Filial piety

Filial piety is the most important national virtue to the Chinese people. Confucius considered it to be the foundation of other virtues. Mencius believed that if everyone had filial piety for his parents and respect for older generations, there would be peace in the world. Those with filial piety will break neither etiquette nor the law. Such people are usually simple in nature, courageous in a just cause and enthusiastic in promoting the public good for sure. If society is eager for filial piety and ardent for the public good, it will be easier to make progress.



这些因现代医学技术而产生的两难问题已不断催生出生物伦理学的新准则。如今,全美 127 家医学院中已有不少机构开设了医学伦理学课程,要在十年前,根本没人会去注意这个领域。不少医院的员工队伍都包含了牧师、哲学家、精神病医师以及社会工作者,以求帮助病人作出关键性抉择,而有二十分之一的机构专门成立了伦理委员会解决这些难题。


The dilemma posed by modern medical technology has created the growing new discipline or bioethics. Many of the country’s 127 medical schools now offer courses in medical ethics, a field virtually ignored only a decade ago. Many hospitals have chaplains, philosophers, psychiatrists, and social workers on the staff to help patients make crucial decisions, and one in twenty institutions has a special ethics committee to resolve difficult cases.



后来鸟巢渐渐少了。村庄没有了树术, 也就没有了鸟巢。村西北角二里路的地方有一个鸟巢,成为我们村土地上惟一的一个鸟巢。其实, 鸟巢实在是鸟儿们给人类的一种特殊的赏赐, 是鸟儿们赏赐给人类的爱护自然、保护环境的勋章, 是鸟儿们戴在人类头上的光荣的桂冠。鸟巢越多, 你的功劳越大, 光荣也就越多。没有鸟巢的村庄不能算村庄, 要算也只能算是耻辱的村庄。所幸的是在我们村庄周围, 鸟巢又一个接一个地建立起来了。


But later, birds, nests became fewer and fewer. When there were no trees in a village, it was natural that there were not any birds, nests. And the only nest that was still there was the one two lis (one kilometer)from the northwest corner of the village. In fact, however, birds, nests are really a special reward the birds confer to human beings, a medal from the birds to those who love nature and protect the environment, a laureate put on their head by the birds. The more the birds, nests, the more your contribution is, and the more glory you have .A village without a birds, nest cannot be called a village, at least a village of shame. Fortunately, birds, nests are being bunt up one after another all around our village now.






