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发布时间:2020-12-15 栏目:专题 投稿:矮小的小蚂蚁




English Resumename:10 Robinson RoadSeverna Park, MD 21146Telephone N 4XX-544-7209Email id: diyifanwen.comBANKING EXPERIENCE:Eurasia, 20xx - PresentVice President Structured Trade FinanceSupport short, medium and long term trade related financing through US government programs such as US Extrabank andIncorporated Credit Union ("ICU"), for worldwide customer requirements.Arrange 8 Medium Term Facilities ("Put option") in Latin America in the amount of US $285 Million.Arrange 12 US Extrabank Facilities with Monetary Institutions and Corporate customers in Latin America, Africa and Asia in the amount of US $350 Million.Arrange 13 ICU Facilities with Monetary Institutions in Latin America and Africa in the amount of US $300 million.Coordinate reallocation of Structured Tax Organization ("STO") unit from New York to Miami, reducing 80% of personnel while generating 50% more income comparing to previous years.Standard Chartered Bank, 1995 - 20xx Vice President of Specialized BankingArranged 3 US Extrabank Facilities with Financial Institutions and Corporate customers in Mexico in the amount of US $120 Million.Arranged 2 Medium Term Facilities ("Put option") in Mexico in the amount of US $40 Million, generating up-front fees and profitable interest income.Banco Intranacional De Exterior, S.N.C., 1992 - 1995 Vice President of Intranational Banking AmericaHead of International Banking unit for America in charge of short and medium term funding requirements, both through directlines of credit and debt paper issuance in the US and Euro markets. Increased funding network in 200% and the lines of Credit amount from US $850 Million to US $2.5 Billion.TRADING EXPERIENCE:Promotions and Trade International, Mexico, A.C. 1990 - 1992Assisted potential exporters in Trade promotion and Mexican requirements.EDUCATION:Financial Institute of MarylandSpecialty in Finance and Accounting 1994Universidad de Autonoma, Mexico City, MexicoBA, International Relationships and Economics 1993COMPLEMENTARY EDUCATION:Credit Skills Assessment, Eurasia Bank (12 modules approved)Relationship Management Training Programme, Eurasia Bank


姓名: 王小姐性别: 女民族: 汉族政治面貌: 党员出生日期: 1986年8月户口: 哈尔滨婚姻状况: 未婚学历: 本科技术职称: 中级毕业院校: 哈尔滨商业大学毕业时间: 20xx年07月所学专业: 财政学外语水平: 英语 (CET-4)电脑水平: 熟练工作年限: 1年联系方式: 求职意向工作类型: 全部单位性质: 不限期望行业: 银行、专业服务、咨询、财会、法律、金融业(投资、保险、证券、银行、基金)、期望职位: 部门助理/秘书/文员、会计、出纳、银行专员/出纳员工作地点: 杭州市、西湖区期望月薪: 面议教育经历20xx年9月至20xx年7月 哈尔滨商业大学 财政学工作经验20xx年8月 在大庆石化总厂财务部实习20xx年12月在大庆炼油厂财务部实习20xx年8月在大庆商业银行实习20xx年8月在大庆江海证券公司做客户经理20xx年10月在大庆百花园商店做会计专业技能国家计算机二级VFP, 熟练使用Word,Excel,Powerpoint等OFFICE系列软件,能熟练并及时完成日常办公文档的工作。熟练掌握财务知识。持有会计上岗证,助理理财规划师证,中级纳税筹划师证自我评价为人真诚,谦逊,自信,有着很强的拼博意识,喜欢有挑战性的工作,希望通过不断的学习来不断完善自我,超越自我。善于与人沟通,有团队合作精神,对工作认真负责,有创新意识,追求完美。性格开朗,对自己充满信心做事踏实,勤奋好学,工作稳健、认真、细心、忠于职守,保密意识强,能够严格遵守财务制度,积极主动完成本职工作,接受挑战,具有团队精神。


☆ 个人信息姓名:XXX性别:女出生年月:1986年5月身高:165cm籍贯:徐州市居住地:徐州市民族:汉政治面貌:团员求职类型:应届毕业生毕业院校:江南大学太湖学院专业:金融学移动电话:家庭电话:E_Mail:QQ/MSN:☆ 教育经历20xx年09月至20xx年07月 于无锡就读江南大学太湖学院☆ 工作实践经历☆ 技能水平国家英语四级,具有一定的听说读写能力江苏省计算机一级,全国计算机二级,熟悉WIN xp等操作系统和Office等应用软件,还熟悉地掌握了VF程序设计语言☆ 自我评价作为初学者,我具备出色的学习能力并且乐于学习、敢于创新,不断追求卓越; 作为参与者,我具备诚实可信的品格、富有团队合作精神。具备良好的沟通和人际协调能力。受过系统的经济相关专业知识训练,有在银行,民政局,餐馆的实习和兼职经历;有很强的忍耐力、意志力和吃苦耐劳的品质,对工作认真负责,积极进取,个性乐观执着,敢于面对困难与挑战。☆ 求职意向银行柜员,保险内勤,银行柜员






