1.Southampton International Merit Scholarships
(1)Undergraduate scholarships 2017
A number of our subject areas offer scholarships for international (non-EU)students. You will be automatically eligible for one of these scholarships ifyour A level, IB or equivalent grades meet those required by your subject area.If you meet the requirements, your scholarship amount will automatically beapplied as a tuition fee discount during your first year of study. You do notneed to make a separate application for these scholarships.
A maximum of three A Levels, IB Grades or equivalent will be considered forthe scholarship, therefore the maximum award per student is £3,000. Thescholarship is only offered in the first year of study.
Please see below to find the eligibility requirements for your chosenfaculty.
Scholarships are not available for Foundation, Medicine or Health Sciencescourses.
南安普顿大学许多学科领域都为国际生(非欧盟成员国学生)提供奖学金。如果你的 Alevel、国际文凭或同等文凭成绩达到学科领域的要求,你将自动符合奖学金资格。如果达到要求,奖学金会自动发放给你,作为第一学年学费打折。不需要单独申请学校的奖学金。
A Level三科最高成绩、国际文凭成绩或同等文凭成绩会被奖学金考虑,每个学生最多能拿到的奖学金数额为3,000英镑。奖学金只在第一学年提供。
(2)Southampton Merit Scholarships for international masters studentsThescholarships listed below are applicable for international (non-EU) studentswishing to study a postgraduate masters degree with us.
Eligibility is based on the grade you achieved for your undergraduate(Bachelor) degree course. The scholarship amount will be awarded as a tuitionfee discount during your first year of study only. If you meet the requirements,your scholarship amount will automatically be applied as a tuition fee discountduring your first year of study. You do not need to make a separate applicationfor these scholarships.
2.International funding partnerships
The University of Southampton is an international institution with a globalconnections, and a community of students from more than 135 different nations.We have developed a network of international partnerships, creating a range offunding opportunities such as scholarships and loans for our students.
Explore the table below to find out about our current partners and theirfunding opportunities.
3.Postgraduate funding in your subject area
We offer a range of funding through our academic departments for a numberof masters and PhD students each year, in addition to our University-widePostgraduate Research Scholarships. Funding may be in the form of scholarships,bursaries or studentships.
UK, EU and international students: look for your subject area in the tablebelow and follow the links to the relevant academic unit or doctoral trainingcentre to find out about possible funding opportunities.
Postgraduate funding by subject